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     My eyes were wide. But my body was still, starring at an unfamiliar ceiling. Counting fan tiles as if, if I kept counting, there would be more then five. The memory left me exhuasted. I couldn't move, not because of a physical aliment, but because my body simple didn't want to. My brain was completely shut down. I didn't even care that Kai was still alseep at the end of the bed, but sometime durring the nap, he apparently in his sleep moved back so that his back was pressed against my legs in an attempt to get comfortable. But I laid there still regardless, on hand limply laying next to my head on the pillow, the other resting comfortable on my stomach. 

    However sleeping after that was an unnatainable dream. A dream I didn't want though. I knew that such behavoir was only going to add more color under my eyes, but I didnt want to see him. I came her to get away from him, yet his still has complete power over my mind. I wished that my suicide attempt had succeeded, then I would be away from all this. All this pain, this sadness, this stressful world. I laid there completely still in my woeful state as I took in the scenery of the room, trying to figure out what time it was. 

     A large amount of time must have gone by since Kai and I fell asleep. I thought it was the afternoon when I had fallen asleep, but now the only light source was the moonlight streaming in through the giant wall of windows. Leaving the room in a dark comfortable scene. I could hear the creaking of the door, but I still couldn't bring myself to move. Even if it were a murderer, I'd still wouldn't have enough energy to stop them if they were to hurt me or Kai. 

     "I told you he'd be in here" Cameron's whispered voice floated through the room. "Why he's asleep at the bottom of a bed, we will never know." He added in a mocking tone even though the recipient of the mock wasn't even awake. 

   "Is she awake?" I could hear alpha Daniel ask. I felt like the temperature in the room drop to ice could with that one comment. I wanted to be alone. I couldn't move, not even the slightest. I couldn't even shift my eyes. Only blinked when a burning began in my eyes. 

    "I don't know" Cameron whispered. "You check" he ordered his father.

       With that, I could hear alpha Daniels hesitant steps, slowly growing louder and louder until finally, he was standing above me. His eyes bore into mine with utter confusion. "Rieka?" He asked confused. He put his hand on my shoulder, trying to figure out why my eyes were open, but I wasn't moving. I wouldn't have been able to move even if I wanted to. "Cam come here." He ordered his son who immediately followed his order. I couldn't see alpha Cameron, but I could tell that his steps led him behind his father. 

   "What's she doing?" He asked confused. His voice seemingly inches away. I wanted them to go, I didn't like their starring. I didn't want this, I wanted to be alone. If that stupid vampire hadn't have shown up, they wouldn't fucking be here. I couldn't express any of this though, all I could do was stare at the ceiling. "Is she breathing?" Alpha Cameron asked, his tone full of unintentional emotion at such a scenario. 

        Alpha Daniel's hand left my shoulder, he walked away somewhere to the left side of the room. His footsteps were rushed, a sign of panic from the retired alpha. He then came back to the right side of the bed and held up an object just under my nose that I guess was a small mirror or piece of metal. Alpha Cameron let out a small breathe or relief as the fog unfortunately showed that I was still alive. They should leave, I don't want them near me, I don't understand what was happening, all I knew was that I couldn't move. I couldn't move and two people who I didn't trust were able to touch my face and shoulder, and I couldn't move away. I could feel my heart rate becoming rapid with my fear. I was panicking. I was scared. I wanted to be alone until this was over. It hadn't been the first time this had happened. It always ended after a while, but I didn't want them to see me like this. 

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