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        Live for the living and die for the dead. The words rang through my head, loud and clear, almost like a siren. Living for others and dying for those who are missed. Dying, I'll be closer to my mother, I'll be free, but living, despite the pain and sorrow it brings, it gives love, and happiness. Both have been stolen from me, as was my mother, by a single arrow. Stolen from me by the father who despite all the pain and sadness he's caused me. I still loved the man whom I had called dad, not the monster he turned into, but the memory of what he once was. 

        I was sitting in the bed of a new room. This was now designated as my room, for my temporary being. Alpha Daniel had finished the tour as slow as a snail, I know he wanted to spend time with me but I wanted to be alone, and he had to help Cameron with pack work. So here I was, in a room with black walls, a white ceiling, with white carpet and a black bed with a black cover, one whole wall was dedicated to a window, so obviously privacy wasn't going to be my friend. I sat in the middle, with my legs crisscrossed, my hands in my lap playing with the strings in the rips of my pants. I was waiting. I didn't know what for, I was just waiting for someone to get me. I didn't know where I stood, I didn't know what I was supposed to do, I didn't have a phone, or a book, or a computer, or any homework or chores to do. So I waited.

        For minutes or hours, I didn't know, all I knew was that I was bored and there wasn't a clock in this room.  My mind began to wonder to my father, and the memories that Alpha had brought us. He changed so quickly. So, was he ever my father? Did he put on a façade for my mom? But I had to be wrong, we were all changed by that night, even Alpha and alpha Daniel. Dad just changed for the violent and gave me the punishment that I deserved. Maybe in a better world I wouldn't have screamed, and I would be dead but my mother and father would be happy.

Without me.

    The lonliness and pain of that statement hit me hard, almost like a knife cutting through the skin of my stomach, as stomach acid burned and ate away at my flesh and intestines. It left a bile taste in my mouth, because I wish it weren't the truth, but unfortionately it was. I bit my lip out of anxiousness. My hand subconsciously scratched at the inside for my sutchure free wrist. I look out the window at the vast forest that laid no more then a hundred feet from the glass. the greens melted together intill it became a blur of tones and colors that painted the leaves. The trees so dense that if you looked up, I bet you couldn't see the sky. 

    Boredom. Utter boredom. I looked down at the comforters. Maybe I should take a nap? I'm so tired and no one's coming for me for a while apparently.

     "Yeah, lets take a nap" I said to myself feeling the exhaustion of the day and the dreadful emotions that wracked through me. I knew I should probably stay awake, but as I pulled back the covers and crawled under, I knew I needed sleep as well. It's been a stressful couple of days, I just wanna sleep. I pulled off my sweatshirt and laid it on the other side of the bed and laid back down. I pulled up the covers to my shoulders. I turned onto my side so that I was facing the window, starring out at the vast dense forests. With shallow breathes my eyes slowly shut until I fell into unconsciousness. 


        I woke up to a cold hand shaking my shoulder to wake me up. I opened my groggy eyes. Once my eyes focuses, Kai came into view. He starred down at me with a cold stare. His eyes were cold as ice when focused on me. I didn't give him the pleasure of a reaction to the stare, instead I starred back at him and slowly rose to a sitting postition until our heads were the same level. 

      "Answers" was the first thing he had said. More like demaneded without so much as a greeting nor moment for me to wake up. I licked my dry lips before clearing my throat. 

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