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          The whispers, don't you hear them? Speaking ever so silently in the back of your mind, just behind your ear but as soon as your jerk your head to see who it is, they aren't there. Because I was alone, and they are me. I see and hear things that aren't there, they scream at me, they hate me, they want me to die. I can hear them, but I won't accept that they aren't real, because if they aren't real then what's wrong with me? Why am I the only one that hears them? Why am I the only one that can see myself cutting in the bathroom tub? 

        Why do I see such images and hear such horrific things? While being squished against the chest of an immature ex-alpha, these are the questions that ran through my mind.

        "Tiny girl!" The alpha screamed in my ear at the top of his lungs. I squeezed my eyes shut, wincing at how incredibly high the alpha's voice could reach. I was shoved away quickly being held only by my shoulders, starring at an overly happy man in his late 50's squealing at the top of his lungs. 

      " Alpha Daniel" I addressed properly, which only caused his gleaming full toothed smile to brighten.

     "I've missed you so much! Look how much you've grown!" He said measuring my height to himself, however I was only up to the alpha's collar bone. He kept running his hand from the top of my head to his chest and repeated this process as if doing it would make me grow taller. He hadn't changed much over the years that I hadn't see him. The only major differences were the wrinkles that peppered his face and the grey patches in his hair. "You're going to love it here! I have so many things planned!" He continued to scream in my face. However I continued to stare at him with a blank expression waiting for him to finish speaking. "You're going to love it so much you'll never want to go back to my no fun dud of a brother!" He ended. 

I nodded in acknowledgement that he was speaking, " I'm happy to see you too alpha" I whispered in a shy voice, as a small smile graced my face. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear while starring into my eyes trying to believe that I was the girl that he had left behind so long ago. But so much had happened since the last time that we had seen each other, so much that no one knew between my father and I. " I missed you too." I said softly showing sincere emotion in my voice. 

        He looked behind me and the smile only widened, " I see you've met everyone all ready?" He asked looking around the hallway connecting eyes with both Kai and Alpha Cameron. His smile faded quickly as he realized a certain pair of evil were not standing with us. "Where's the tornadoes?" He asked quickly, his figure quickly stiffening. 

Cameron shrugged in response, " probably lighting something on fire or sleeping" he answered in a carefree tone.  His eye brows raised in a bored expression, head tilted to the side as if he were waiting for something to happen. Alpha Daniel sighed in annoyance, his expression turned back to me and immediately lit up. 

      "I'll give you a tour of the pack house," he said excitedly. He turned me by my shoulders and pushed my down the hall past Cameron with his hand pressed firmly against my lower back. I walked numbly, happy to get away from answering Kai's questions. "Right now, were in the main hallway that has my office and all the alpha's family and closest friends in. That means the only people in this hallway you'll have to see is me, Kai, the tornadoes, Cameron, and Luna" He explain while he continued to push me down the large and oddly long hallway. And despite my tired nature, I was glad this was going to take a while. I could put off the awkward confrontation that was destined with Kai. I let out a small sign of relief as Alpha Daniel and I continued to walk down the halls of the pack house. 


Alpha Jarred's P.O.V. 

     My frown deepened as I walked the elaborate hallways of the basement searching for the room which laid my once best friend, but now held a monster.  The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the heels of my feet clicking against the concrete floors of the basement. Amongst my light footsteps, I could hear his moans and grunts of pain as he breathed in the silver coated walls. I could only imagine the burning of his lungs, and the weakness he felt. With saying that, I slipped the white mask over my face stopping the highly toxic air from reaching me as I walking in front of the door that held the most hated member of the pack. I placed my glove covered hand on the silver door hesitating seeing my ex-bestfriend withering against his chains in pain from being exposed to toxic air, pulling it open with little to no force. And there he was, the bastard. He sat slumped over, on his knees, where he belonged. His arms held him up, completely outstretched and chained from opposing walls by his bruised and bloodied wrists. His head remained down, his sweat drenched hair shielding his face from me. I could hear his labored breathing as every other breath he would grunt from the immense pain that filled his chest and lungs. I felt guilty but whenever I thought of my dandelion, I wanted to hurt him so much more, torture him like he had tortured the innocence away from the poor girl. I was taken out of my thoughts by a particularly loud grunt. I looked down at it. He no longer reserved the rights of a normal human nor a were. 

He sucked in a large grunt, his breathing took great effort as a moan of pain was expelled after each breath was taken in. He looked up at me weakly, his head laid on his shoulder as he used most of his effort to remain in that position. He looked horrible, a layer of sweat covered his grossly ill colored skin. His lips were a pale deoxygenated blue. I continued to stare at him as he took his labored breathes.

       He sucked in a large gust of tainted air, breathing it out in seizure pants, "W-where is m-my daughter?"


           Hi guys, danielle here. I'm not dead. As you can see, and I'm sorry for not updating but I've been so busy with school and finding motivation to write and everything but I got a new computer, so I'll be updating hopefully more often. Late Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has a happy new year if I can't update in time. Bye

                                                               - Danielle

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