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        I didn't know what to say. My mouth hung open, trying to formulate words to the millions of questions I wanted to scream. The pain was an annoyance to my thoughts, filling me with unsought rage at the sound of his voice. Despite my anger, I held myself back. 

" No what the hell do you want?" I demanded, even as the world darkened around the edges. But instead I was left with no response. It became harder and harder. 

  "...... Listen..." He started. I bit my tongue from the abundance of insult I wanted nothing more then to throw at him. "I don't know if you feel it to or not but I need to fucking sleep. So I'm going to try something. I swear to god if you hang up mutt." He vaguely threatened. 

I scoffed pressing the red button at the bottom of the screen ending the call. Fuck him, this was his fault, he can deal with the pain on his own. Immediately after hanging up, I rolled my eyes before pressing the green answer button. 

   "What the fuck?! Did you just hang-" I pressed the red button again. I don't know if it was the medicine making me loopy or the fact I didn't have to see him for a long time that gave me so much courage to screw with him. He immediately called back, I pressed the green button again, a small smirk making its way onto my lips. "Stop hanging up!" He growled out 

       "No." I pressed the red button once more. Smirking at the little control I had. The vibrating of the phone was relentless but after a long minute I pressed the green button. By that point my vision was blurring horribly. It was a fight to stay away and for some odd reason I could feel the sides of my eyeballs. My body felt like it was floating, I could feel my mouth opening but I couldn't care enough to close it. 

     "Liste-" He began but I cut him off. 


     "Don't hang up!" 

       "Shut up. I'm not. " I started laughing for no reason. "I'm so high right now." I started laughing once more stopping after a small period of time. "I've been in so much pain for a majority of my life, I wonder how much you're in right now. Do you feel the burning, I thought for a moment it was acid reflex." He let out a long sigh at my speaking. 

    "Can you just shut the hell up. I want to sleep-"

    "Then why did you call?" I asked cutting him off. 

He let out a loud and annoyed sigh. "Cause I want to fucking try something, so please just shut the hell up! My dad wont help me cause of your pathetic ass so I'm trying to fix a goddamn problem!" He spoke in a raised voice, clearly showing his annoyance. 

    "So then, what's your solution then smart boy." I said giggling at the end. 

He let out a second irritated sigh. "I don't know, I just figured if maybe I called and heard your voice that maybe I could fall asleep." He said. I didn't know why but my heart fluttered a bit at his words. 

     "And?" I asked wanting to know if it worked.

He let out a sigh, this time tired and exhausted. "I don't know, maybe if we stayed on the phone for a few minutes?" He questioned unsure and understandable desperate. "Do you feel it?" He asked, I assume out of curiosity. I bit my lip before shifting to lie on my back. I laid the phone on the pillow beside me pressing the speaker button, his soft breathing filling the room. 

    "I can feel it." I began. "It was worse earlier, but the pack doctor gave me something. I don't know what it was, I thing its a sedative but there was a second pill, I don't know what was in it. I think alpha had the pack doctor put me on anti-depressants... I'm just really tired." I said letting my eyes droop. We sat there in long quiet moments, just listening to each other breathing. My eyes were getting progressively harder and harder to keep open. The bed felt like it was gripping me, begging me to fall asleep. I wanted to. I turned on my side, placing the phone next to my head, letting my eyes droop themselves shut.

     "...." he took a breathe like he was going to begin speaking but never kept going. Only released a long sigh. We both knew better then to make small talk. We both knew he didnt care and me speaking would only make things more awkward. We stayed in silence until his slow evened out breathing filled the room. I picked my head up and bit my lip. "Night chris." I whispered before hitting the red button.

  So kind of a filler. I'm like in a slump but I feel bad for not updating. Comment and vote! I love hearing feedback!


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