Chapter 21

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Mark's POV
I lay in my bed on this cold Sunday morning. Mom has called me down five times trying to get me to eat breakfast. I just don't feel like getting up. You were probably wanting something deep about how I can't get up because of Jack or something. Well you were wrong. It's just because I'm a lazy piece of shit that just doesn't want to deal with responsibility.
My phone vibrates on the night stand. I take it and see that there's a message from Jack.
Jackaboy: Hey get up!

Me: I am up

Jackaboy: No, you're laying in bed I can see you from my window.

Me: don't be such a creeper

Jackaboy: then don't be such a lazy ass. Take life by the titballs and get out of bed.

Me: ugh fine

Jackaboy: Yay! I did a good!
I smile shaking my head and getting out of bed. When I'm up I go get clothes from my dresser and head to the bathroom. There I take a shower and get ready to actually do stuff. Even though it just doesn't seem like fun, but I need to get stuff for Christmas. When I return to my room I look from my window and I see Jack hanging twinkle lights from his window. I smile and get socks getting ready to leave.
Jack's POV
Mark and I go around the mall last minute Christmas shopping. Which can you blame us? We wonder around looking at all the stores. I pop into one and look around until I find stuff for my sisters. They only have the first letters of their names so it's good enough.
After I pay for them I go find Mark who is nowhere in the store. So I go outside of it and he's not here.
Me: where are you?

Markimoo: just picking up your gift. Meet me in H&M.

Me: alright
When I get inside the store I go look in the men's section. There isn't a whole lot here so I just stay in this section waiting for Mark. As soon as I see him I call him over. He smiles and walks over to me.
"Should we go get some lunch," I ask.

"Yeah I'm getting hungry."

"Then to the expressed pandas we go!"
We sit eating our Chinese food and I keep eyeing his bags. Mark notices and puts them on the floor.
"I'm not telling you what it is."

"Please," I plead.

"It's a surprise so you aren't going to know until Christmas."

"But I hate surprises."

"That's bullshit you love them. Just eat your chicken."
As soon as we finish up our food we go look around some more. Once we get to a clothing store that's where I get Mark's Christmas stuff. Which I'm proud of myself for picking out. Once we're out of there we go to the car. Since we both have stuff for our family and friends. They're small things, but it's the thought that counts. Well I hope so.
The ride home is just me trying to guess what he got me, but he refuses to tell me a clue. Which is starting to piss me off since I want to know. Once he pulls up to the driveway we get out of the car.
"I'll be over in a second I just need to put these in my room," I tell him and he gives me a thumb's up running inside.
As soon as I set the gifts in my closet I go over to Mark's place. I'm greeted by his mom who's in the kitchen cleaning.
"Mark is upstairs Sean."

"Thank you," I speak as I go up the stairs.
When I open the door I see Mark with tons of blankets in his arms. I take them and set them on his bed. He puts in a Christmas movie as I sit on the bed covering myself in blankets. Mark sits beside me and gets under the covers himself. He plays the movie and I cuddle up to his side. Mark wraps his arm around me and we begin to watch the movie.
We sit here in silence watching Elf eating popcorn. This has to be the most calming thing I've done in a while. Sure the other dates were absolutely amazing, but this one is just calm and collected. Plus I don't have to worry about anything going wrong.
Once the movie is over we just lay on his bed quietly. Both of us just look at the ceiling like it's the most interesting thing in the universe.
"It's not very Christmasy in here."

"I know, but I don't have any for my room like you do."

"You got paper and scissors?"

"Of course I do."
Jack goes to my desk and grabs a stack of paper and two pairs of scissors.
"We're making snowflakes and we're going to put them on your ceiling and windows and stuff."
I chuckle and begin doing the craft. An hour later we have enough to make my bedroom a fucking winter wonderland. Jack hangs his snowflake garland on the window while I hang some on the ceiling. As soon as we're done Jack smiles at what we have created.
"Now it's feeling like Christmas in here," he cheers flopping onto the bed.
I jump onto the bed next to him looking at the winter wonderland that was once my room.

Okay this is a really crappy chapter I'm so sorry. Anyways happy reading and please feel free to vote and comment if you'd like.

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