Chapter 3

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Jack's POV
It's Wednesday, so we only have two more days and it's the weekend. Which I can barely even wait for since I hate every second of being here. I'm sure it'll get better with extra curriculars, you know as soon as my 'couple' dance classes start. Basically it's just a bunch of teens who go to the same dance studio, and we get paired randomly. Which I don't necessarily care about, but some girls are such assholes.
Anyways I sit at a picnic table with Mark, Felix and Lucas. Lucas and Mark have been talking a bit more and I just hope that he won't be competition. Then I have absolutely no chance at all with Mark. I'm going to have to confess to him in the next week or so. Otherwise I'm done for. Lucas smiles at Mark as he talks about the game he beat yesterday. Mark is just completely engulfed in Lucas's topic, that he doesn't even realize that I'm trying to snap him out of it.
I give up and stand while grabbing my backpack. The bell is about to ring anyways. So what's the point of even staying there when nobody is talking to me. Plus I might as well make it to class early.
Lunch isn't the most fun since Mark just stares at Lucas the whole time. He doesn't realize how dumbstruck he looks. It's like the only thing processing in his head is Lucas. For once I stay quiet the whole lung period. So once the bell rings I stand up and speed walk to my locker. I open the locker and grab my crap that I need.
"So how's the confessing going," Wade asks like the little chode he is.

"Piss off Wade."

"I was just asking the question."

"For a matter of fact it's going well."

"Really? So then when are you going to do it?"

"Before Homecoming."

"If you don't?"

"Then I don't. I'm not making a deal with you. I don't trust your deals."

"Fair enough."
We then go our separate ways into our classes. None of my friends are in this hour so I don't really do a whole lot. It's the first week so I won't try and be disruptive just yet. You have to make then believe that you're good. Then that's when you make your move to become an obnoxious little shit.
Mark and I sit beside each other on the bus. He just smiles at his phone the whole time. His fingers move quickly on the screen and his smile gets wider with each second.
"What're you doing?"

"Messaging a friend."

"Oh, what are you talking about?"


"It has to be something. You can't just sit there smiling like an idiot by just talking about nothing."

"Watch me."
I roll my eyes and look out the window. Our stop is coming up soon so get my bag ready. The bus stops and Mark finally puts his phone away to get off the vehicle. I follow him down the isle to the doors that let us out. We climb down the steps and go on the sidewalk. However as soon as we start walking he starts messaging this person immediately.
"Who are you texting anyways?"

"Lucas," Mark gushes.

"Oh," I say looking at the ground.

"What's wrong Jackaboy?"

"Do you promise that we'll always be in each other's lives...even after highschool?"

"I promise on all of my gaming systems."

"Okay. Hey, do you want to go get lunch tomorrow instead of the school's crappy food?"

"Definitely," Mark smiles.
We go our separate ways into our own houses. My older sister is home from her college classes sitting on the couch. Dad and Ma are probably still working so we'll end up having Mac and cheese for dinner. Depending if I'm cooking tonight or not. I probably will.
I go up the stairs and into my bedroom. My bed calls to me to lay on it. However no matter how much I want to go to sleep I know that I can't. Since sleep is for the fucking weak and I have to get chores done. Which is basically clean my room and do my laundry.
My sister and I sit quietly across from each other eating our Mac and cheese. She doesn't say a whole lot. Only when dad and he are together does she really start to talk. I don't know why she doesn't speak as much as I do, but at least we aren't fighting. I finish first and go to rinse off my plate.
The house is usually quiet since mom has to work late, and dad is always getting ready to go to bed at this time. It's only not quiet when friends or relatives are over. Which then it becomes extremely loud.
I pad up the steps to my bedroom where I then get ready for bed. Once I turn on the TV I start going into my night time routine. Which never stays the same since my sleep pattern is shit.
My body shimmies under the covers as Futurama plays in front of me. I sigh and get comfortable which soon leads to my eyes closing.

I feel like this is going good but I'm not sure.

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