Chapter 27

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Jack's POV
As I sit here u go through my IPod. My friends all chat about Overwatch as I'm busy trying to find a song. However my IPod is snatched from my hands and I look at Mark who is putting it in my pocket.
"Mark give it back."

"You've been staring at it all day. Just talk to us."
I sigh and listen in on the conversation. My head rests in my hand as I go through songs through my head. However I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Mark starts snapping hus fingers in front if me.
"What is wrong with you today," Mark asks.

"Yeah you've been very distracted," Bob notices.

"I'm fine I just need to get something done."

"Well what do you have to do," Felix asks with a mouth full of food.

"I'll tell you once I figure it out," I sigh grabbing my bag and going out the doors.
Nobody follows me and I'm quite fine with that. As long as they don't ask then I'm fine. Since I don't even know if this is going to happen.
Mark and I sit silently in the car. We haven't spoken a word to each other since we got in the vehicle.
"Alright what's the deal with you today," Mark breaks the silence.


"That's a load of bull. I've known you for ages, now tell me what's wrong."

"I told you that it's nothing."

"Jack just fucking tell me. Is Lucas hurting you again? Is there something with your parents? Just tell me."

"It's nothing can we just talk about something else?"
Mark sighs with frustration. However when we get to our houses he just zips past them. I furrow my eyebrows with confusion. Mark keeps driving until we get into a new town. He parks the car in front of a small diner and gets out. I follow his actions and head inside the building.
We go seat ourselves in a booth in the back.
"We aren't leaving until you're happy again."

"But I am."

"No you aren't. Don't lie to me. So we're sitting here until you tell me what's going on."
A waitress comes by the table and Mark orders us slices of cake. Even though I'm not in the mood for it. Once she's gone his eyes make their way to me.
"Now spill."

"There's nothing wrong Mark. I've already told you," I lie beginning to play with the sugar packets.

"Jack just tell me. You've been upset all day and I just want to know what's wrong."
The waitress comes back and sets our cake in front of us. I then ask her for a cup of coffee and she gives me a smile. As soon as she leaves to go get my drink I look down at my cake.
"Tell me what's wrong."

"There's nothing wrong."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that."
I sigh and look at his brown eyes. There's a mix of anger and care in them. When I go to say it I just can't. I look back at my dessert trying to see his reaction.
"Baby just tell me what's going on."

"I got a solo," I mumble.

"That's amazing."


"So then why are you so upset?"

"I have to pick a song before Saturday and I've come up with nothing. Absolutely nothing. Which means that if I don't find one quickly then I don't get it."

"I'm sure we'll find one."

"What do you mean we?"

"I mean that I'm gonna help you. When we get back home then we can find one."
I take a breath and nod my head. The woman brings me my coffee and I thank her. As I drink the hot beverage Mark starts talking about how cool this is. Which I do have to admit. It is pretty awesome that she asked me to do one.

Alright so this one is kind of short and I absolutely hate this chapter. However this story is kind of going downhill since I rushed into it and that's my fault. Anyways happy reading.

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