Chapter One Hundred and Eighty: Shooting Yourself

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Dean still hurt from his earlier injury but put on a brave front about not seeing his own funeral. His mind went back to entering the house and seeing himself killing his brother. For a second, his only thought had been 'Sammy!'

He knew he had yelled at his other self and fired. After walking over to the body, he steeled himself and ripped the amulet off the creature. He almost grimaced at the memory of his fingers tracing over the body as he grabbed hold of his most priceless possession.

'Everyone thinks I'm dead and I went down as a murderer,' his mind kept replaying the thoughts over and over.

They pulled into a motel in another out of the way place. Seeing a bar, the older man talked his brother into going for a few drinks.

Sam, noticing how pale the man looked, agreed.

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