Chapter Two

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Dan, being Dan, didn't call the hospital. Instead, he just panicked and cried into his friend's pale bloody body, until he heard a noise.

Phil's beautiful breath.

To most people, it would just sound like a quiet disturbance in the wind, but to Dan, it was a sign of life. "Phil!" he shrieked, practically pouncing on his best friend.

Phil blinked. "Dan, what the Hell..."

Dan started to panic again. "Why did you do it?" he sobbed, his emotions flooding him all at once. "Why?" Dan took a deep breath, then started to shake in fear at the possibilities of why. Did he really want to know? "Don't you ever do that again!"

Phil hated to see his love in a mess, especially when he knew it was his fault. He felt as if he were drowning in each tear Dan shed, suffocating in his own worthlessness. He couldn't even tell Dan the one question Dan wanted to know: Why? Because I love you and you are my everything, but you don't feel the same. I don't deserve you, and you shouldn't have to live with me as a burden. If I can't get you, well, there goes the entire purpose of my otherwise worthless life.


Dan had made Phil tea and they sat on opposite sides of the couch, Dan's chocolate eyes burning holes into Phil's ivory colored skin, while Phil trained his eyes on the television. The annoying infomercial about a product no one in there right mind would buy made the already tense situation even worse.

After fifteen more minutes, Phil snapped. "Do you need something?" he asked harshly, turning to Dan at am alarmingly fast rate.

Dan jumped, spilling his tea on the couch. It was a good thing the couch was brown, otherwise there would've been a pretty noticeable stain. "S-s-s-sorry, I just, I just was wondering..." Dan's cheeks turned bright pink, causing Phil's heart to flood with selfish feelings of triumph. He had broken Dan. "Why did you do it?"

Shit. Phil couldn't answer him; this wasn't his relationship to mess with, even if it considered his best friend... but he had to answer him at some point. Here goes nothing...

"Fine. Everything's fine." Phil immediately blushed and looked down at his feet.

Dan looked at Phil for a moment, trying to dissect that complicated little brain of his, but Phil had put up many protection walls to hide his feelings. He didn't want to seem weak.

Dan sighed, giving up on the basket case that was in front of him. "Well, if you're not going to tell me why, sitting here is a waste of my time." He stood up, not noticing the hurt on Phil's face. "I'm going to ask Grace on a date. You'll be okay by yourself for a little while, won't you?" Dan patted Phil's head like he was a puppy.

No. No! No I won't! I hate her! She took you away from me, and you don't even care. Where the Hell are you going? Those were the thoughts in Phil's head, twisting and turning like a tornado, slowly destroying him as if he was just another house in the way; and Dan had left the house.

Phil screamed into the golden red pillow, then threw it on the floor as if it were Grace. Dan was his.

Hello, friends! Holy shit, a bunch of people are reading this! Yay! *dies of excitement* Have a wonderful night. Bye!

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