Chapter Eleven

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Major plot scene commence!

When Dan knocked on Grace's door, it took her a couple of minutes to answer, which is unusual considering how much time she spends indoors. She opened the door slowly, and when she saw it was Dan, Grace quickly masked her face with a more pleasant expression, rather than one of evil.

Dan had his hands in the pockets of his skin tight black jeans and his chocolate colored fringe covered his face. "Hi," he looked up to face her. "Sorry about last night, it's just... I've been going through a lot with Phil and things, and I was... I was hoping I could make it up to you."

The next thing they knew, they were kissing. It want just a needy hungry kiss, no, it was a kiss full of love, and passion, and heat; a kiss that would probably leave both of their lips bruised.

The kiss seemed to last for years, but in what felt like seconds they were tangled up in each other with their clothing off. Skin to skin contact, and for that matter, skin in skin contact.

It was loud, it was hot, it was everything the two ever wanted in sex. Grace sounded so good to Dan, and Dan felt good inside of her. She moaned louder as he began to bite her neck, leaving tiny bruises where he sucked on her raw skin.


Phil could here something, and it sounded like her, which was fine, but he also heard another voice that he could've sworn he'd heard before. As of a minute ago he had finally broken free from the rusty metal chains that had tied him to the old wooden chair, he was just deciding whether to go upstairs or not. Sure, he would escape this Hell, but was it really Hell when Grace was there with him?

Dear reader, unfortunately for him, the answer was no. He could take the abuse when Grace was there. If he ventured up into the unknown, he might never see his love again.

Fuck it.

Phil was going to investigate the noise. He dragged himself out of the chair with the help of the mildew covered wall and slowly crawled up the stairs. When he got to the floor above, he saw a gun. Phil decided to take it, just in case Grace's moans were from harm. Slowly but surely, Phil guided himself in the direction of the source of the noise. He peaked into the room where the noise was coming from, and yes he did see Grace, but he saw someone else.

Daniel James Howell.

Okay, the fact that people are legit begging me to update is so great. People don't really read my stuff so...


Enough about me! How's your life going? Mine is great! I only have one and a half days of school left. I'm usually sad at the end of the year, but this year I'm probably gonna end up prancing out the door singing a song about how everyone's a ho. Now, don't get me wrong, there are some great people at my school ( flowerblossom129, mooKatie28, etc.) but some of them...


Anyways, have a great night. Bye!

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