Chapter Five

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Dan came back to the apartment to find Phil asleep on the couch curled up in a ball clutching one of the many decorative pillows. Dan decided not to wake him, as he looked peaceful and happier than he had in weeks.


Phil woke to the sound of loud cursing and turned his head to see Dan playing Mario Kart 8, yelling obscenities at Princess Peach and muttering something about blue shells. Phil smiled and suddenly realized that his head was on Dan's lap. Phil quickly sat up.

"So, you're awake?" Dan turned to Phil and Phil's cheeks turned a shade of deep pink.

"Yeah," Phil rubbed his eyes.

"Good, because I'm kinda bored with playing by myself."

Phil was suddenly irritated. "Why not play with Grace?"

"I told her I'm spending the day with you today."

Phil practically floated up to the heavens after hearing those words, and he had to stop himself from kissing Dan. "Really?" Phil beamed. "You mean it?"

"No, I just lied to you." Dan rolled his eyes and playfully slapped Phil. "Go get the other controller, you spork."

Dan and Phil spent the day aimlessly browsing Tumblr and yelling at blue shells until they fell asleep in the same position as in the morning, Phil's head resting on Dan's lap.


Grace slammed the phone down and screamed. Dan wasn't going to be with her tonight. Dan was the only person that made her feel alive, made her sane; and where was he? He was with Phil, the man who clearly didn't want her the Dace ship to sail. Phil thought she was psycho, and yes, maybe she was, but not around Dan. She would show Phil what psycho really was. He better run.

Grace quickly drove to Dan and Phil's house and slipped inside through the unlocked front door, happy about Dan's laziness for once. She found a shirt from Dan's dresser, poured on a little melatonin from her pocket, and scampered out to find Phil on Dan's lap. On her finance's lap! She slowly picked up Phil, who was much lighter than expected, and started to carry him out the door.

Phil woke to see a girls face, but before he could say anything, a cloth was brought to his mouth and nose, and everything went black.

The last thing he saw was Grace closing a trunk door.

Oh, do you probably hate me! Oh, well.

What's going to happen? Leave your thoughts in the comments. As always, have a marvelous day. Bye!

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