Chapter Eight

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Dan hadn't moved from the "existential crisis hallway" for three days. Sure, he wasn't exactly having an existential crisis, but the situation was definitely serious enough. He lied in his usual position he would years ago when he would have these kind of negative thoughts, and thought about Phil. Phil was gone, taken away from him. To Dan, Phil was the only person who would put up with his bull shit, and the only one besides Grace that truly cared about him. He would always comfort Dan when he was feeling low, and if Dan was happy, Phil was happy. Dan and Phil. Dan and Phil, Dan and Phil, Dan and Phil.

What would the fans do if they were told Phil was gone? Well, the answer obvious: they would cry, flip tables, go fucking ballistic. Dan almost laughed at the thought, then the realization hit him that they couldn't do anything... and neither could Dan. Dan would pull them into an endless downward spiral into Hell, and there they would be stuck. Dan wouldn't be able to continue YouTube; that would just be disrespectful.

Dan continued to lie in the hall for hours before he heard a knock at the door. He slowly got up and opened the door to find a his girlfriend, near to tears. They immediately engulfed each other in a hug that seemed to last years, but Dan wasn't complaining.

They finally pull away from each other when Dan started to cry. Grace slowly leads him to the couch that they would often have sex on, but they weren't doing that today. She took a deep breath.

"Danny baby, I know you're upset, but you can't just lie in the hallway for days on end. I mean, look at you! You look like you rose from the dead." She rolled her eyes.

If looks could kill. "Grace, he is dead."

"That's only a possibility."

"Stop trying to give me false hope!" Dan quickly stood up and flipped over the coffee table. It shattered into pieces, but Dan didn't notice the glass shards that had now made their home in his skin. Just like the table, he was broken. "Phil is gone! He was taken from me! It's not like he would run away, I mean I think he likes it here, he-he... oh no..."

Grace stopped picking glass out of her legs. "What?"

Every single time Grace was with Dan, Phil seemed sad or angry. Dan hadn't thought about Phil's feelings at the time, he would just make Grace moan louder to drown out the cries. When he proposed to Grace, the look of horror on Phil's face was very prominent, and he got extra annoyed when Dan mentioned Grace after the proposal.

Everything was Dan's fault.

Dan's vision became blurred and his hearing became fuzzy. He felt himself hit the floor and a piece of glass impale his lower back. Tears consumed his vision and all he could hear were screams of despair, though he couldn't tell if they were coming from him or Grace.

The screams got louder to the point where Dan had to cover his ears to avoid deafness, and soon everything turned into a dull ache.

Then it all went black.

Hello my children! Are you happy I updated? No? Well then...

(Go fuck yourself...)


Anyway, I have an audition tomorrow! I'm fucking scared, but hey, it's a children's theatre and they know me so... I should be fine...?

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