Chapter Ten

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"Hello?" Dan shuddered a bit as he spoke throughout the phone.

"999, what is your emergency?" an almost mechanical voice rang out.

"My friend has been... missing for... um... four days and... um... I don't, I don't-" Dan starts to cry. "I don't know what to do!"

"Sir, just calm down. When was the last time you saw them and what is their name?"

"Philip Lester..."


The doorbell rang later that night. Dan was laying in the "existential crisis hallway" yet again, pondering if the police really could do anything. All they had told him was to stay out of the case and that they'll find him, but Dan was doubtful.

Dan opened the door and saw his girlfriend wearing a tank top that showed off more cleavage than necessary and tight jeans. The second they saw each other her lips crashed against his with incredible force. Dan was the first to pull away.

"Hi Grace," Dan whispered, looking at the floor.

"Hey." Grace suddenly pushed him inside, closing the door with her foot, and slammed Dan against the wall. "It's Friday," she smirked, kissing him again.

"We usually do something on Friday nights, don't we?" Grace began to bite Dan's neck while Dan just stared at the wall on the other side of the room. He was going through too much to feel anything really, though he usually liked when Grace acted dominant.

She giggled and forcefully guided him into the nearest bedroom, pushing him onto the bed and tore off Dan's plaid shirt. As a matter of fact, it wasn't even his shirt, it was Phil's. Even if Phil was gone, Dan could still remember him in some way, hence the shirt. While Grace ran her hands on his chest, Dan's eyes wandered around the room. This didn't look like his room at all, and he was confused until he saw it: a small stuffed lion sitting on the wardrobe.


Grace took off her pants. "Yeah?"

"Get the fuck off of me."

Grace sat up abruptly. "What?"

"You heard me." Dan growled.

When Grace didn't move, Dan picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder effortlessly, and set her out on the front porch, wearing nothing but her lacy pink lingerie, and slammed the door. He reopened the door just to give her her clothes, then shut her out.

That wasn't his bedroom she was trying to have sex in.

That was Phil's.


Grace quickly put her clothes back on and drove home. She parked her car and walked into the basement. She was very pleased to see how horrible Phil was looking.

His once beautiful eyes were bloodshot, and their icy blue had turned a sickly color of brown. He had large, dark bags under his eyes and his skin was almost white and stuck to his bones. Phil was even slightly twitching.

"Hi Philly," Grace walked in front of her beautiful victim, his eyes following her every move. "What do you think about... Dan?"

Phil's voice came out small and crackly. "He is purely for your enjoyment."

"Do you love him?"

"No, miss."

Grace smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile; it was one that could kill an entire army. "Good." She touched Phil's sore, prominent jaw, causing his breath to hitch. "He did something to me."

"What did he do?" Phil's voice was shaky from her touch.

"He kicked me out," Grace punched a hole in the wall. "And it's entirely your fault."

By the end of the night, Phil as lying unconscious in a pool of his own crimson blood, and Grace was happy.

Aye, I updated two days in a row! Are you proud, cause I sure am considering how I coauthored Dan's book on procrastination. Be sure to comment,vote, and share this story if you dream it worthy. Have great night!

Update: IT'S ONLY BEEN ONE CHAPTER AND I HAVE ONE HUNDRED MORE READS!!! I love you guys so much! This really means a lot to me, especially since people don't really like my other books. I've never thought very highly of myself, and to see that three hundred people are reading my shit, it's just... beautiful. I don't even know how to describe what the fuck I'm feeling right now, but I'm about to cry. Thank you so much for being there for me! I love you all, and have a fantabulous night!

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