Chapter Three

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Dan had noticed how whenever he said anything about Grace, Phil would tense up or get uncomfortable. Hell, Dan had noticed a lot of things about Phil, like how he stopped talking to Dan normally and the constant look of hurt on his face, and Dan hated to see him like that; but for now, he had more important things to worry about than Phil.

He ran to the phone, but stopped when he saw Phil. Phil had not emerged out of his room for a week now, and his already pale skin was a ghostly shade of white. He lay on his bed, the blue and green plaid comforter was on the floor in a heap. Phil hated mess, so this was unusual.

When Phil's bloodshot eyes met Dan's, Phil quickly rolled over.

Dan left Phil alone and went to search for the phone. To him, this may be the most important phone call in his life.


Things had gotten worse for Phil recently. Dan had spent more time than usual with Grace, completely ignoring Phil as he fell apart. Every single time he heard her name, it felt as if someone had cut out part of his heart. Soon, Phil would have nothing left.

Sure, things had been different between them, but if Phil looked like what he thought he looked like, there was some important reason that Dan went in with his business, rather than freak out and coddle him. Phil decided to investigate whether was more important than him at the moment, seeing as Grace wasn't here.

Phil stood up, immediately collapsing from not using his legs in days except to get food, which he barely did, seeing as he was fat enough. He crept into the living room to see a very flustered Dan talking on the phone.

"Grace, I- I don't know how to say this, but... I love you, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you," Dan stumbled.

No... Phil started to tear apart, dreading Dan's next words. No, no, no, no, no!

Then the fateful words came:

"Will you marry me?"

Hello, readers! Do you hate the plot? Yes? Well, too bad! I guess you'll just have to keep reading to see what happens next...



As always, stay fabulous. Bye!

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