Chapter 5: Maybe

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So sadly I won't be updating much or at all this week because I have finals... I'm really sorry but I have to put school first. Anyway, this is some LadyNoir for all of you! Hope you enjoy!


So it definitely isn't Chat, right? Guys, seriously, don't say yes I want it to be no. This is so frustrating. I don't know what to do with myself. I hope I figure all of this out soon.


Marinette was at school barely listening to the lesson. She kept thinking about Chat Noir. She convinced herself it wasn't true, but she kept thinking about it and now she wasn't sure.

She was very stressed about it because she was confused wether it was a good thing or not. Tikki told her it should be a good thing but she didn't want to believe it.

The bell rang and she talked with Alya until she got to the front entrance of the school.

"It's always raining." Marinette said to herself as she stood there waiting for the rain to calm down a little.

"Hey, Marinette." Adrien said as he was standing next to Marinette waiting for his car.

"Hi, you. Uh- Adrien. Hi." Marinette said with a nervous giggle.

"You seem a little stressed is everything alright?" He asked kindly.

"No. Yes. Kind of. I don't know. It's complicated." Marinette said not sure what to say.

Adrien smiled as he put his hand on her shoulder. "I hope it gets better." Adrien said softly.

"You thank. I mean uh- thank you." Marinette said looking down at the floor.

Adrien's car came up. "I'll see you later, Marinette." He said running through the rain to the car.

"Bye!" Marinette waved a she smiled wide at her crush. In that moment she forgot about all the stuff about the string. Right when he left it all came back. The rain eventually cleared long enough for Marinette to run to the bakery.

She started her Physics Homework. She really did hate Physics it was so complicated and the teacher always gave a lot of homework. She heard a knock on her window.

It was still raining a little so she assumed it was the rain. She heard another knock. She walked to the window to see two green eyes.

Chat Noir. Out of all the people that could be at her window, she wanted him to be the last person there. Other then Chloe. She was definitely last.

She opened the window and let him in. "Chat Noir what are you doing here?" Marinette questioned him. "Your soaking. Let me go get you a towel." Marinette said getting a towel and giving it to him.

"Thank you." Chat said wrapping around in the towel.

"So why are you here?" Marinette asked as they sat in the chairs by her desk.

"Well, I was told that you were looking upset at school today so I wanted to make -purr- everything was alright." He said smiling proud of that pun.

"Already started with the cat puns have we?" Marinette said slightly annoyed. "Thank you, by the way." She said quietly continuing her homework.

"So is everything purr-fect?" Chat Noir asked.

"Not really. You wouldn't get it." Marinette said erasing another problem. "Stupid Physics." She whispered angrily.

"Well I might not get what is wrong, but I do get physics." Adrien said leaning towards her.

She scooted over a little. She didn't want to be to close to him right now.

"This one is easy." Adrien said as he began to help Marinette with her homework.

They eventually finished and Marinette wasn't as hesitant around him. "I owe you some food. How do cookies sound?" Marinette asked walking to her stairs.

"That would be paw-some!" Chat said as his ears perked up. He was dry now and he was sitting on Marinette's bed.

Marinette came back up with cookies for them to share and some for Tikki for later. She placed the cookies on the bed. Marinette sat criss-cross by her pillows while Adrien sat the same way on the end of the bed.

They both grabbed a cookie. "Mmm! These cookies are meow-nificent!" Chat Noir said leaning back. He leaned to far and fell.
"Meow-ch!" He said.

"Chat! Are you okay?" Marinette said getting up. She couldn't stop laughing. She knelt down to him. "Are you okay? That was really funny!" Marinette said laughing even harder.

"I'm sure it was hilarious." He said sarcastically still smiling.

Marinette was beginning to cry she was laughing so hard.

"Hahaha." Chat mocked Marinette who by now was urging on her bed laughing. She was bending down looking at Chat Noir.

Chat Noir quickly pulled her down. "Ahh!" Marinette screeched as she fell on top of Chat.

"Sorry. I meant for you to land on the pillow." Chat said blushing.

"It's okay." Marinette covered her face in Chat Noir's chest. She quieted down. "I'm sorry for laughing so much." She said rolling off of him onto the pillow.

"It's okay." He said with a slight smile looking at Marinette. He slowly leaned forward to kiss her. Marinette didn't move. She didn't know if she wanted to or not. Before she could react she was kissing him. She kissed back, but then decided to pull back.

She stood up and offered her hand to him. She helped him up. "I'm sorry." He said putting his hand on the back of his head. "That was uncalled for." He said quietly.

"Uh- it's okay. Don't worry about it." Marinette said offering him another cookie.

He took the cookie. "I should get going. It's getting claw-fully late." He said heading torwards the window.

"Thank you by the way." Marinette said right before he walked through the window. He turned to her. "With my homework and for making me laugh." Marinette said smiling. "I really needed that." Marinette said giving him a hug.

"It's no problem, Marinette."  He said hugging her back. He then left.

"Maybe he's not that bad. Maybe." Marinette said before going to bed.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was fun to write especially the Ladynoir. Tell me your favorite ship in the comments!

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