Chapter 19: Again

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Only a few more chapters guys! Are you ready? Let's just get to the chapter.


So Marinette is doing a lot better. She is still on her crutches, but she says her ribs feel better. I told her I would go look for my string as soon as I had the time and I haven't because of my father, but I'm going today. Hopefully there isn't an Akuma today. There has been one everyday for the past month except yesterday. So maybe I'll actually have a chance.


Adrien was following his string through restaurants and alley ways. It was hard looking because so many fans kept coming up to him. He kindly said, 'hello.' to them and continued to look.

He wasp poking for about an hour and a half and he had no luck. He was hoping for it to be in the knot because Marinette's was, and since her accident he couldn't imagine life without her.

He followed until he had to go home for a photoshoot. He was scared because it took 30 minutes to find Marinette's string in the ball, yet he couldn't find his.

The whole photoshoot he could only think of why he didn't find his string in the knot. He tried to not think about it, but he was always thinking of Marinette and it just came up with it.

He knew that he had to find the end of it, even if it took all night. The photographer let him leave because he wasn't in high spirits for the photoshoot and it would be wasteful to take sad pictures of him. Adrien then left to go find the end of his string.

It was around 8 O'clock at night and it was raining. He was a mess, soaked in rain water following an imaginary string. He was wearing a hoodie so people wouldn't see him and follow him.

It was now 9 O'clock and he was walking sluggishly. He had been searching for a while and all he wanted was to see Marinette on the other end. The more he walked the more he doubted that it was in the knot at all. He doubted that it was even connected to the one he loved with all his heart.

He gave up for the night and went home. He took a long shower. He stood there thinking of the other end of his string. Thinking of why he couldn't find it in the knot, why it was so long, and why it wasn't anywhere near Marinette's bakery.

He got dressed and laid in his bed. "You'll find it kid, but right now I'm hungry." Plagg said in Adriens ear. Adrien sat up and looked at Plagg. A light bulb went off in his head, yet he wasn't happy with what the light bulb suggested.

"Plagg." Adrien said quietly with a sadness in his voice.

"Is that a yes?" He said looking at him while his stomach rumbled.

"What if my string is attached to Ladybug?" He thought feeling slightly more sad. Something that would have earlier made him happy, made him feel worse inside.

Right now he was an emotional roller coaster. He remembered all of his old feelings for ladybug slowly came back and he didn't understand why. He had been so busy with all the akuma's with ladybug for a while and he felt nothing more then friends with her. The thought that she might be on the other end of his string made him want to like her again.

But he knew he loved Marinette and he wasn't going to let Ladybug intrude with the relationship he had with Marinette. He got Plagg some Camembert and went to bed.


So yeah this was more of an explanation type chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think.

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