Chapter 6: Adrien's Side

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This chapter is here to explain Adrien's thought of the string and everything about it. I wanted to thank you for 100 views and also I'm sorry for being off. I might create a new schedule. I'm still trying to figure it out... Now for the chapter!


What is this, Plagg?

Your supposed to tell them about your life or something. Like a diary.

What? That's weird.

Just do it, kid!

Okay. Okay. I am. Hello, I'm Adrien. And Chat Noir. I love Ladybug, but I think you would know that. My normal life is kinda tough because of my dad not around and my mom being missing. Being a superhero and having friends is the only things that make me happy.

Now tell them about the string.

Okay, Plagg. So demanding. Anyway, I recently have started to see a red string on my pinkie. It's called the red string of fate. I told Ladybug about it and she can see hers too. I hope it's connected to mine, but also I hope it's connected to Marinette's. I know what your thinking it can't be connected to two completely different people.

The other day I went to Marinette's house as Chat because she seemed sad and frustrated about something. We were talking and stuff and I fell being the clumsy cat I am and she fell too. Okay, I pulled her, but that's not the point. I kissed her.

I kissed Marinette. It was totally uncalled for and I don't know what she is going to think. She told me it was okay, but I don't believe her. I'm loyal to Ladybug and I did something like this. I mean she doesn't seem that into me. Maybe Marinette isn't that bad. The real question is should I be Chat or Adrien?


Adrien was in the park for a photo shoot. All he could do was think about Marinette.

"Adrien!" The photographer said yelling with a smile on his face. "Give me some smiles. Some happiness. Don't be a sad spaghetti."

"Sorry." Adrien said forcing a smile.

"Okay. Okay. We will take a break." The photographer said a bit frustrated.

He got up and turned around. He noticed Marinette by the carousel with Manon, the little girl he posed with at a different photo shoot at the park.

Manon noticed him and ran to him. "Adrien!" She said giggling. Marinette tried to stop Manon, but she then was standing next to her and Adrien.

"Hello, Manon! How are you today?" Adrien said giving her a hug.

"I'm good. Are we taking pictures again?" She asked smiling.

"Manon!" Marinette said to Manon seriously.

"It's fine. Not today. I'm sorry." Adrien said putting his hand on her shoulder. "How are you Marinette?" Adrien asked blushing slightly.

"I- Me? Yes. I'm good. How are you?" Marinette said blushing.

Why do I always scare her, Adrien thought. "That's good. I'm doing good just taking a break from my-" Adrien began to say.

"Adrien! Let's go!" The photographer said waving at Adrien to come.

"I'm coming!" Adrien said back. "I'll see you later, Marinette." Adrien said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes- okay. L-later. I'll see you later." Marinette stuttered.

"Bye, Mari." Adrien said before walking away.

"Yeah. Bye." Marinette said with a smile on her face.

Why did I call her Mari. Oh my gosh. Save me Plagg, Adrien thought. "He wouldn't do anything." Adrien whispered.

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