Chapter 20: For Better or Worse

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Guys this is actually about to happen... Yes be scared and confused. Muahahaha! >:D alright let's get into this.


Okay guys here is the deal. I've been looking for a long time. A very very long time. I think after today if I don't find it I'll give up. I mean it's probably for the best. The string doesn't want to agree to let me find the end so why bother with it.

So I'll start after school today and hopefully I have good results. A guy can dream, right?


It was a normal day at school. Today they were all nervous because their exam scores were coming in. Adrien was more nervous because he had to get an A just to be in good graces with his father.

"Okay class!" Ms. Bustier exclaimed sternly. "The overall average was a 85%. I'm very proud of all of you." She smiled. She began to hand out the papers.

Adrien got his back and looked at it. It read '89%'. "Dang it!" Adrien said hitting the table lightly. As if he didn't feel bad enough right now.

"What did you get, Adri." Marinette asked noticing his behavior. She was almost healed. She didn't have to use crutches anymore and she could easily walk with the cast on.

"An 89%. Father is going to take me out of school." He looked down at the test.

"I'm sure Ms. Bustier will give you extra credit, dude." Nino smiled as Alya and Marinette nodded in agreement.

Adrien just sighed. He was so overwhelmed with the string he let it get in the way of his studies and this happened.

After class he went up to Mrs. Bustier. Marinette was waiting for him outside the door. It was lunch period so they didn't have to worry about being late.

"Mrs. Bustier? I was wondering something." Adrien said with a smile.

"Yes?" She said as she was erasing the board.

"Is there anyway I can get extra credit on this test?" He asked holding it up.

"I'm sorry, Adrien, but I can give extra credit it's school policy." She frowns a bit at him.

"But my father will take me out of school if I don't, Mrs. Bustier." He said trying to use the pity card.

"Adrien I'm sure he will let you stay." She chuckled lightly, not believing him.

"Yes ma'am." Adrien frowned leaving the classroom.

"I'm sorry." Marinette frowned a bit at Adrien.

"It's not your fault. Hopefully he will let me stay. I mean one B the entire year isn't that bad." He shrugged.

"No it isn't." Marinette smiled kissing his cheek. "It will be okay."

They went to lunch and eat with Nino and Alya. The rest of the day Adrien worried about his father. He also was thinking of not looking for the string anymore, not even after school.

The final bell rang and everyone got up to leave. Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand. "You shouldn't worry to much." She said kindly.

"I know I just have a lot going on right now." He said smiling slightly at her.

"Well I'm here to talk to you. That's what girlfriends are for." She smiled wrapping around his arm.

He just nodded. He didn't want Marinette to know he was looking for his other end because if she did she would want to help and that could mean she could get hurt again.

Adrien walked out to see Natalie at his Limo. "I love you." He said before he pecked her lips.

"I love you too." She smiled her face brushed pink. She let go of his arm as she began to walk home.

"You have a photoshoot in 3 hours." Natalie said with no emotion.

"Can I walk around for right now and be there later." He asked still in a bit of a sad state.

Natalie sighed. "Fine, but meet back here okay?" She said sternly.

"Thanks, Natalie." He smiled lightly. He gave her his backpack and began to follow his string.

He kept thinking about what he was going to do about his grade and about his string. For now he just followed it.

It was moving quite a lot more than it usually did. He wondered what was going on but he didn't think much of it.

All of the sudden he saw people running in the opposite direction he was walking.

"Get Away!"
"Hurry!" They exclaimed.

He looked around for somewhere to hide and transform. Before he knew it the akumatized victim was coming after him. He could always tell because of their bizarre costumes.

All he knew was they were coming quick. His string was pulling him a bit and the villain was 3 feet away. He looked to see why he was pulled and next thing he knew he was picked up by Ladybug.

Everything began in slow motion. He looked at his string and found the other end. It was on Ladybugs pinkie. She smiled and put him down.

"Stay safe." She smiled at him.

He wondered if she saw him connected to her. There was no way he wasn't. He watched her jump away, completely shocked. The first thing he thought was, "Marinette." He said her name aloud.

What was he going to tell Marinette. He didn't know what he would do. He stood their clueless.

"Adrien! Hello." Plagg said from his jacket.

Adrien quickly came back to reality. "I... Paris right." He ran to an alley way and transformed.

He went to save Paris, but what he would do after was something he didn't want to think about. Whatever he had to do it would not end up well.


What did I just do? Yeah I did that. Guys omg you don't even understand how troll-y I feel about it. Tell me what you think in the comments.

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