Chapter 7: Feelings

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I posted the sequel to Learning to Love the other day. I hope you like it and that you are still enjoying this story. On with it!


So, as you might know, I'm an emotional wreck. Chat think she can just waltz to my house and do whatever he feels, and it works. It's so frustrating! I wish he would just calm down with everything.

And then he tells me that I need to tell Adrien how I feel. He needs to tell me how he feels. To think I could even tell Adrien two words. Telling him I like him? That is not even possible. Maybe Alya can help.


Marinette called Alya and she came over. They went to Marinette's room after they grabbed some croissants.

"So wassup, girl." Alya said after eating a bite of her croissant.

"I think I want to tell Adrien how I feel." Marie the said softly as they sat on her bed.

Alya chocked on her croissant a little and responded. "You what?" She said surprised.

"He- I just he's so nice and I figured why not. The worse he could do is tell me he doesn't like me back and I think I can handle that." Marinette said kindly.

"So I'm here to help." Alya said proudly as Marinette nodded. "So tell me your favorite things about him."

"His personality, how nice he is. Even when he is being attacked by Chloe he is still nice to her and I admire that. His eyes are like emeralds. I could stare at them for days." Marinette said as she began to blush. "His smile is perfect and he always says hi to me when he sees me." Marie the said. She could go on for hours.

"Okay, okay. That's enough." Alya said laughing. "Now pretend I'm Adrien." Alya said standing in front of her.

"Well I can talk to you it isn't a problem." Marinette said sassily.

"Okay, then." Alya grabbed out an Adrien mask from her bag.

"Alya why is that in your bag?" Marinette asked confused.

"Why is there pictures of him on your wall?" Alya responded sassily.

"Touché." Marinette responded.

"I have it because I figured this day would come." Alya said smiling. She put on the mask and stood on front of Marinette. "Now pretend I'm Adrien."

"What am I supposed to say?" Marinette asked nervously looking at the floor.

"How about you start with saying hi." Alya said.

"Hello, Marinette." Alya said in her 'Adrien voice.'

"Uh- Hi, you. Adrien. Hi." Marinette said with a laugh.

Alya took off the mask. "How about you try to say a real sentence. "Say, 'Hi, Adrien How are you?'" Alya said nicely. She put the mask back on. "Hi, Marinette." She said.

"Hi Adrien!" Marinette said with a big smile. "You how today? I mean how are you today?" Marinette said. "Alya I'm useless." She said sadly.

"No, Marienette that was really close. Keep trying." Alya said sincerely.

After a while Marinette could say, 'Hi Adrien, how are you today?', 'I'm doing good.', and 'Can I ask you a question?' Marinette couldn't figure out how to confess her feelings to him.

"You could say, 'Adrien I like you and I hope you like me back.'" Alya suggested as they bothed paced around her room.

"Too needy." Marinette responded.

"Uhh-, 'Your really nice' and you would say why you like him and then, 'I like you.'" Alya said.

"Maybe that could work." Marinette said kindly. "How about Adrien I know we haven't been close friends, but I would like to get to know you better." Marinette suggested.

"That is perfect. So you can talk to him and then you will be comfortable enough to tell him you like him." Alya said happily.

"We are geniuses." Marinette said as they high-fived.

"Let's practice that." Alya said putting the mask back on.

It took about an hour because Marinette was really nervous. They eventually figured out what she needed to say. She just needed to find the right time to do it.

"I believe in you, Marinette. You can do this." Alya said enthusiastically.

"So I guess I'll tell him after school tomorrow." Marinette said nervously.

"Perfect, girl. You got this!" Alya said hugging her friend and leaving.

Marinette spent the rest of the night practicing with Tikki. She decided to do some random responses just in case thing got off track. She went to bed nervous yet excited for the next day.


It's getting intense. Will Marinette be able to talk to Adrien? We will find out soon! Don't forget to check out my other stories. I might post another one soon, but you'll have to wait and see.
Love you guys,

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