Chapter 16: The Follow

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That is a representation of the knot... It is a weird picture, but I couldn't find one so I made one... This is a part 2 like chapter.


They began to follow Adriens string, holding each other's hands closely making sure they weren't touching pinkies so they wouldn't get shocked. They had been following it for about 10 minutes.

"Your string must be long." Marinette said to Adrien in a joking manner as they kept walking.

"I guess so." Adrien said nervously thinking that it might be that long because it wasn't in the ball.

"Are you okay?" Marinette said as she squeezed his hand slightly and stopped walking.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said trying to walk again still latched on to her hand. She didn't move and Adrien was supeised at how strong she was. She didn't even look like she was pulled.

"I don't buy it." Marinette said pulling him back and to his surprise he was actually pulled closer to her. She was definitely strong.

"Don't but what?" He asked trying to play dumb.

"I know that look. You are hiding something." Marinette said as they sat on a bench. "You can tell me." She said kindly putting her hand on his thigh.

"I- we should keep looking. It's beginning to move." Adrien said watching the string move around corners.

"Adrien." Marinette said gently placing her hand on his cheek and facing him towards her. "I won't judge you." Marinette said concerned.

"I'll tell you later, okay?" Adrien said putting his hand over hers. He kissed her then stood up. He offered his hand.

Marinette stood up without his hand. She then began to walk and grabbed his hand. "It's getting away." She said in a monotone voice beginning to walk faster. She felt slightly hurt at the fact Adrien wouldn't tell her.

Adrien remained silent and followed the string with her. It wrapped around things much more then Marinette's did. He didn't understand why it was being more difficult with him.

"Finally." Adrien sighed as they had walked around the statue of Ladybug and Chat Noir about 20 times before the string was off.

"That took forever." Marinette smiled. She was still hurt, but she wanted to cheer him up a little since he seemed so down.

"Yeah." Adrien responded with a small smile.

"Let's keep going." Marinette said determined. It was now 12 and Adrien had the shoot at 1 so he was hoping that they wouldn't be able to finish or that t was in the ball, but he was leaning towards not finding it at all.

"Okay." Adrien responded as they followed the string around a couple of corners. They were close to the central knot but they weren't sure if it was in there. The string was tied around street lamps and cars, so it was difficult to track. Eventually they got around that section and they were closer to the knot.

It was now 12:30 and Adrien had to go to the shoot. Well, it was more like he wanted to leave so they didn't have to finish. "I have to go to a photoshop in 30 minutes Mari." Adrien said as he stopped walking.

"Just a little longer. I think we are close." Marinette said with puppy eyes.

"I should go now. Natalie needs me to go." Adrien said as he continued to make up excuses.

"You have 30 minutes a little longer won't hurt." Marinette smiled.

"No Marinette! I have to go now okay!?" Adrien snarled. He let out all of the frustration on Marinette. As soon as he finished he immediately regretted it.

"Okay fine go. I'll look on my own." Marinette said turning around trying not to tear up. She felt very offended.

"Mari, I'm s-" Adrien started.

"No. Natalie needs you. Just go." Marinette said crossing her arms as Adrien stood in front of her as she was still following the string.

"Marinette." Adrien said concerned.

"You don't want to be late, Adrien." Marinette said still following the string causin Adrien to begin to walk backwards.

She obviously didn't want to talk to him. "I'll see you later okay?" Adrien said still walking backwards.

"Okay." Marinette responded as she stopped walking. "Bye, Adrien." Marientte said focusing all attention at the string.

Adrien decided to stop and leave to his photo shoot. He didn't know what else to do so he just left her to look.

Marinette began to walk and follow the string. She focused only on the sting and not crying right now. She didn't feel respected at the moment so she tried not to think about it.

Before she knew it she was running with the string following it around corners and making sure she didn't mix it up with another.

She ran.
And ran.
And- BAMM!

"Aghh!" Marinette groaned in pain.

"Oh no! Someone call 911!" A woman said shaking Marinette. "I'm so sorry." The woman began to cry.

"Ow!" Marinette said slowly moving her arm to  the shoulder the woman was shaking. It felt dislocated. She slowly began to loose consciousness.

Everything became blurry and before she knew it everything was black. She could hear screaming and sirens. Eventually she didn't hear anything and she was unconscious.


Oh no what happened to Marinette!!!!

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