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Ada, Dom, and Lorenz....

Ada's POV

When I entered Dom's house, the party was a full-on swing. Everybody was dancing or should I say grinding with each other. I looked around to find my friends. Guys were checking me out from head to toe, God I know I look presentable in my black mid-thigh dress with stunning wedges but that does not mean that you look at me like you want to eat me right now.

"Ada over here". I heard Dom's voice in the crowd breaking my thoughts of killing those perverts with my bare hands. I turned around and saw him and all my friends along with other classmates sitting in a circle. I walked over to them.

"What's up guys, what are you playing?" I asked around with a smile. I got everyone's attention and guys were gawking at me while my girlfriends were smiling, some girls were looking at me with awe and others were glaring.

"We are playing DARE OR STRIP come on join us" Dom said while shifting a little to make space for me. That's when I saw everyone, Dom definitely looked heartbreaking in his jeans and V- neck t-shirt with a black leather jacket. Selena was as usual looking too damn cute in her blue dress and Cathy was looking hot in her pink dress. I had hot friends. What caught my eyes was Lorenzo aka Lor aka the only guy who could compete with Dom's looks and bank balance aka the badass.

"Hey, hottie are you still single and ready to mingle." Lorenzo smirked and winked at me. " I am single but I don't mingle with small-sized pringles" I said looking down there. I heard some snickering sounds and someone saying BURN...

" Want to see who has a small si....." Lorenzo was interrupted by Frank who hit him on his head with the back of his hand and they started bickering. "Ok now that we have finished this wonderful topic about Lorenzo's small size junior, let's start the game. The rules are easy, we spin the bottle if it lands on you then you have to do a dare given by others and if you don't want to do the dare you have to strip one piece of your clothing for each incomplete dare. Understood?" Dom asked looking around. Everybody eagerly nodded.

"Ok so let the game begin" Dom yelled while spinning the bottle. The bottle landed on Dom. The girls were shouting for him to strip, while some were shouting at him to kiss them and well others were just shouting.

"I dare you to kiss.." I looked around to find someone. The girls were perking their heads out but my gaze landed on only one. "Lorenzo!". "What the hell !!" Lorenzo and Dom shouted together. Everybody was laughing around seeing their expression and shouting "Kiss... kiss". "See you guys are made for each other, you are speaking at the same time". I spoke still laughing. "What?" they again spoke together then looked at each other wide-eyed. "No". "Stop copying me" they shouted together again gaining loads of laughter.

"See told you" I said smugly. "No thanks, Ada I am very much straight I would rather strip. Right girls?" he said winking at the girls who started giggling. Gosh, I hate that sound. Dom took off his jacket and showed his rippling muscles to which every girl was swooning except our gang and I was neutral. I have seen him in much less. Don't get me wrong we have sleepovers all the time.

We spun the bottle again and again and it landed on many like Frank who was dared to dance on a sexy girl number, then Selena who had to drink a whole bottle of rum, and many stripped. Right now most of the guys were in only jeans and girls were in their underwear. We were all drunk, thanks to Dom's servants who were filling our glass from time to time. Thankfully, I didn't get any dare and there goes my happy time.

The bottle landed on me. Everybody was shouting "Ada.... Ada". "Come on darling, I should take my revenge" Dom said with a wicked glint in his eyes. Ok, now I am scared. But before he could say anything. "I DARE YOU TO STRIP" Lorenzo said from the opposite side with a smirk.

This was his trick, I have to strip either way. I looked over Dom who gave me a concerned look as if asking with his eyes if I am comfortable with this. I shook my head and stood up and stripped off my black dress and sat in only my underwear. Every guy was looking at me lustfully except Mike who was busy with Cathy. SHOCKER!!!!

I looked over Dom who was trying to not look at my body and smiled reassuringly. He was trying to sit so as to cover my body from the guys. Lorenzo was the worst he was looking at me like he was thinking of me in bed, but there was something else in his eyes, I could not figure it yet. " Ok let's continue" Dom's voice broke their stare and we all looked over the bottle which was now spinning. No... no... what luck. Twice in a row ughhh... it again landed on me.

I looked over Dom with scared eyes. "I dare you ..." but before he could speak a girl landed on Dom and she squeaked gaining his attention. "I dare you to let me touch you for five minutes."

Everybody was quiet only the sound of music and people dancing could be heard. I looked over to see the owner of the voice. And it was Nick, the manwhore of the school. He was hot but not my type. Wait a minute what did he say. I panicked and looked over Selena who mirrored my expression.

Then I looked over Dom pleading with him to do something. He understood me completely and stood up and shouted, "the party is over everybody OUT OF MY HOUSE". His voice showed anger and his eyes were fixed with Nick. I looked around and everybody dancing was rushing out and those who were playing were looking at me, Dom and Nick.

Even Lorenzo looked angrily at Nick. Huh, he is not that bad. "What did you say" Dom pushed his way to Nick and punched him in the face. I shouted at him to stop. The guy held back both Dom and Nick to stop them from fighting.

"What I thought you guys were only best friends or do you have feelings for each other huh and it's not a big deal. Many girls got the same dare" Nick said with malice and smirked at Dom whose anger was increasing like the speed of a bullet train.

Before he could react I held back Dom and tried to calm him down. "It's not worth it Dom. Calm down. We are too good for his understanding. Please let's go up" I pleaded. Dom looked at me his eyes softened and he saw that I was half-naked his eyes widened and he picked me up carefully and almost ran up the stairs shouting for everyone to get out of his house. I looked down and saw Nick dragged out by Frank, Mike, and Lorenz.

He set me on his bed and went to his wardrobe and took one of his shirts and placed it over me to wear. He hugged me tightly. "Are you ok? I should have stopped it when you were asked to strip" Dom said softly and a tint of guilt in his voice still hugging me.

I held him burying my head in his chest "I am fine and that was harmless everyone was half-naked" I said quietly, trying to control my feelings. "Lorenzo was just doing harmless flirting but Nick I... I was s..so scared. The way he looked at me or the way he said. It made me feel dirty. I didn't like it a bit." I finally sobbed unable to control it.

"Shhh..... it's all right". He laid me on his bed and slipped himself beside and held me. I cuddled over to him, I was sleeping almost above him and my head on his chest and he held me tightly. " Sweet dreams" he said softly kissing me on the cheeks.

I felt safe. I trust my best friend completely.........


Guys in a relationship be it between lovers or friends has many things other then love.TRUST IS ONE OF THE THINGS.

Ada trusts Dom. In the upcoming chapters I will show the different aspects needed in a relationship other than just love.

Thanx for reading.

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