15. Jealousy in friendship in normal right?

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"So is Ms. Ada here?" I asked looking over my laptop so that Adam does not think I am too interested. "No man we were having a party yesterday so she is running a little late today," Adam said with a sigh it looked like he is very much tired. Party ..... now she is doing parties without me.

I didn't contact her yesterday so that I could give her some time and now she is getting drunk with other guys and staying with them. I felt like shit and why do I care if I don't love her that way. But she is mine and has been mine since we were kids and now this new boy toy comes and takes her away from me, I am not letting this happen.

"You carry on, I have some other work I remember," I said hastily and walked out of my office and looked around to see Ms. Pierce talking to some slutty girl I guess my new PA whose skirt is of the size of a napkin. God, where does she find these ladies from? I don't mind as long as she stays away from me and does her work properly.

Without giving a second glance I walked over to the auditorium, opened the doors, and looked around. My view stopped on Ada who was sitting at a corner and listening to some music. I walked closer, slowly so that she is unable to see me but I can get a clear view of her. She looked a little tired, her eyes were a little bit red and she had dark circles under her eyes but then also she looked beautiful.

But then I remembered about the party what the fuck did they do all night. Both of them looked tired. "What happened last night?" I said coolly with my palms in my pocket and leaning over the wall looking calm and collected though I was burning red inside.

She suddenly stood up but didn't turn around for a couple of minutes but became stiff. I walked closer, directly in front of her so that she couldn't ignore me. She just looked and opened her mouth but nothing came out. "Did you forget that night huh.." I said with a smirk thinking that she could never ever forget that because nobody other than me could see her or touch her like that.

Looking at my smirk her eyes hardened "Why do you think I hadn't had any more special nights after that? It's been 3 years Dom and you don't know how many nights like that I have experienced" she spoke and now it was her turn to smirk.

My smirk instantly dropped listening to that I walked closer to her, I don't know what I was thinking or feeling but I was numb. I am her best friend right or maybe was but am I supposed to feel this much jealous? I caught hold of her arms and pushed her will her back was pressed to the wall. "What did you say?" I shouted out, anger sweeping through my voice, my eyes.

"Why are you here Dom?" she asked with a sigh. "What do you mean why am I here? You are the one who left without a goodbye. Heck you didn't even attend your own graduation. Why are you here Ada?" I retorted back.

"I .... uh.. needed time Dom. I mean my whole life was always around you and my parents. You knew I wanted to become independent. I wanted to do something all by myself without other's influence and the day when I woke up in Mike's room I didn't know why I slept with you that night, why I gave you my virginity because truth to be told neither do you nor do I love each other like lovers. That's why I left because in a way I betrayed Lorenz and I didn't want to tarnish our 16 years of relationship so I left on a happy note". Ada said softly but I was furious and maybe hurt.

"So you left me, your family so that you didn't have to deal with all the bullshit ha.." I said gruffly tightening my hold on her and bringing my face closer to get a better view of her eyes. "Listen, Dom, I needed time and the same goes for you too and there is no point in scratching the past. What's done is done" Ada spoke coolly.

"Yes Ada what's done is done, if you wanted time then fine, you could have taken 2 days, 2 weeks, or even one month but 3 years... Ada 3 years, we lost our 16 years of friendship in one night for 3 years. That's bullshit!! If you had just told me you needed time I would have given you without a second thought. I want you back Ada, I want you in my life as my best friend, as the only one who knows me better than myself, as my life support. Ada, I want you, please.." I ended up pleading.

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