8. Best kiss ever?

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(2:00 am)

Ada's Pov

"So how was it?" I almost screamed out loud hearing Dom's voice in the dark hall of my house. "Oh God .... What are you doing here and...are you.... drunk?" I asked looking at his red-shot eyes and his half-asleep body.

"Uhh.Y...Yes I went to a party with Bee and got a little bit drunk and you know we always cuddle with each other at night so here I am, but hey...... I am no longer s..single" he said still trying to walk towards me without falling. I walked over trying to hold him up and failing miserably.

"I had a blasting evening and I am no longer single too. Come on let's get you upstairs before my parents see you looking like a red baby Panda." I said wrapping my arms around his waist, I led him to my bedroom upstairs which was too difficult mind you. He weighs like a hulk!!! Gosh, this is too much. Come on Ada just a little more.

I didn't know how but I placed him on my bed and sighed in relief. Baby Hulk!!! I walked over to change into my nightdress. "You didn't answer me earlier, how was it?" he asked curiously still laying on the bed and his head resting on his arms looking at me. "I had fun, he is funny and hell lot charming and I had my first kiss," I said imagining my date.

"Technically I was your first kiss when we were kids," he said looking a little annoyed. "Ya, but we were kids at that time. I had my first proper kiss today" I said while removing my makeup and entering the bathroom.

"So was it a good kiss? ..." He shouted across the room.


( 10:00 pm)

"Since you love dancing so I thought you would enjoy this" Lorenz opened the door to reveal a nostalgic world to me. Last time I was here with Dom 2 years ago. This place was the most fascinating place Dom introduced me to. This was THE GOOFING PLACE, ya sounds weird and is unknown to most but those who know it has a hard time ignoring this place.

It was filled with people dancing around without any bother. It was like nobody cared about their problems and everyone was together just enjoying the moment. This was the place belonging to all the dance lovers who express their feelings through dance, no matter how bad their steps were. No one cared.

"How did you know this place?" I asked Lorenz in awe. "I got connections" Lorenz replied smiling at me. "So come on let's join them" he dragged me towards the circles formed where everybody was moving around laughing, eating, drinking, and enjoying.

We danced for hours still jumping in joy. He was a good dancer, not a professional one but nonetheless, a good one. I remember Dom bringing me here where we enjoyed our whole day talking with old ladies, listening to their interesting stories, and lots and lots of traditional and western dancing.

" Hey, last dance for the night" Lorenz held me close holding my waist, and my hands circle around his neck as we gracefully glided along. I looked at him to see him staring at me back and he slowly move closer till our breaths mingled and our lips were inches apart. I looked at him to see his full attention to my lips "you are beautiful" with that he bend a little more and his lips touched mine it was not like lightning and an awe-struck moment but was sweet enough for me to kiss him back.


" I...I d..don't know I don't have any kiss to compare it with, b...but it was sweet and I enjoyed it" I said still thinking if a kiss actually feels like tingles and goosebumps all over your body or they are just sappy romantic novel version of a kiss.

"I walked back to the room in my nightdress and went over to my wardrobe to remove my remaining accessories. Don't get me wrong I am not a total prude, I have been on many dates but never felt like giving my kiss to anyone until now.

Suddenly, I was turned around forcefully and came face to face with Dom who looked annoyed, drunk, and totally wasted. "Why are you acting like a lovesick puppy with those dreamy eyes" he almost shouted out. I tried to remove his hold from me but he was way too strong even in his drunk state.

"I am not lovesick, it is just that it was my first proper kiss and the best date I have ever been to. You know he took me to THE GOOFING PLACE where y..you took me 2 years ago. It was so much fun when we went there. Remember we met all the old ladies and you were such a playboy that you were even flirting with ladies double your age" I said first with anger which gradually turned into excitement.

His eyes became soft for a minute but then hardened and became angry. The drunk Dom shows too many emotions than the sober one and I have never seen him so much wasted. Yes I had seen him drunk but he was normally playful, but this Dom is like an angry bird but still looking sexy.

Oh, come on I am a girl and he is hot.....

"He took you to THE GOOFING PLACE!!!! Was his company better than mine" he sounded jealous and if I had not known him as I know him then I would have thought in a romantic way. But no Dom was jealous because for 16 years he was the best man in my life and he is afraid somebody else is going to take his place.

I took his face in my hand "Never Dom you know, you are my Bestest..... Friend ever and no matter what even my boyfriend will come after you" he looked satisfied with my answer.

"So..... how was your party with Bee and why did you even choose her? Oh and was your kiss better than your first kiss with her" I asked smirking but somewhere deep inside I hated Bee. I guess it is because she is a slut and he could do much better.

"The party was awesome because I took her in the room and you kn...." I place my hand on his mouth "Dom kindly keep your 'HANKY PANKY' life to yourself", I said then removing my hand for him to continue. "Ya so we didn't have any romantic gooshy mooshy thing it was all only physical pleasure. And about choosing her, well as you know she is a slut so I would get a lot of actions in my next 6 months sexual life" Dom said smirking. " Ewww..... that is bad and what about the whole marriage thing? " I asked.

"Well, dad said a relationship for the next 6 months so let me enjoy my bachelorhood till I can. I am gonna be in a relationship like our parents want but what they don't have to know is that my relationship will be more physical than emotional" he revealed his plan to me. "And what are you talking about my first kiss with her? My first kiss was with you." he stated and I was shocked and a little bit giddy.

We were each other first kiss..."But remember I saw you on the swings" I looked at him questioningly. "Ya I was about to but then you shouted and I ran towards you" Dom said happily. Wow... I never thought that I was his first kiss. Both of us were quiet for a couple of minutes taking in all the new things that happened to us today.

Then the silence broke "But you are entering the whole emotional relationship, are you sure he is good for you?" he asked calmly with an expression of concern and then anger.

"Well he was the best kiss I ...." but before I could complete I was grabbed tightly, Dom's hand circled around my waist possessively and within seconds his lips were on mine and I felt intoxicated by it. God tingles spread all over my body I froze due to shock and without even thinking I kissed him back with the same urge. It was like my brain stopped working but my body knew what to do.

It felt like all the sappy novels I have read are true like I was so into the kiss that I cared of nothing else.

"He was not your best kiss, was he?" Dom asked breaking our kiss, leaving me breathless and shocked.


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