19. I love You Ada!!!

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Dom's POV

I love her, I have always loved her. Everyone was right, Rafael always told me. Does she love me? I looked at her red face, her beautiful eyes filled with tears but also relief and happiness.

"Dom, thank God you are okay" Ada sobbed and hugged me and buried her face in my chest tightly. It hurt but it doesn't even matter when this beautiful angel is in my arms. For the first time I looked at her with another light, she was no longer just my best friend but the person I love with my whole life.

"Ada...Ada" I growled out in pain. "Sorry ... sorry I was just" Ada released her hold looking at me with joy, happiness and I think love, or maybe it's just my imagination.

"Ada I ...." I paused just looking at her, I was scared. Scared that she will reject me, scared that I will even destroy our friendship, and most scared that I will never see her again.

Ada looked at me curiously "Ada you know we have been best friends since forever" I paused again looking at her, she just nodded "and before you came here, you remember our last night?" I asked to which she blushed a little and gave me a small nod.

"Listen Ada what I am trying to say is that, that night I thought it was just my possessiveness, my attraction towards my best friend, or even a small crush for a beautiful girl but it was not so. And.... and when you were gone I felt like a part of my heart was gone. I forgot to laugh, enjoy, and feel happy. My whole company thought I was a heartless, boring, rude, and the most arrogant person on earth. And did you ever notice that my employers always use to stare at us whenever we were together?" I asked to, she shook her head to say no.

"Well a part of that was because of your looks but most of it was because they saw me laugh for the first time, they saw me happy and all this was because of you. Only you" I looked at her lovingly and took her hands on mine.

"What I am saying is that you are the light of my life without you I feel lost and I am so stupid that I realized it so late. Someone once told me there are 5 things needed to love someone eternally. First: feel jealous for her, second: trust her with all your heart no matter what, third: respect her to great heights, and fourth: protect her with your life" I said softly.

"Whats the fif....." I interrupted her by placing my forefinger on her lips "please just let me complete before I fuss out. Ada, I have felt all that for you and only you, I ... I loveyou" I said quickly and closed my eyes but was only met by silence. I slowly opened my eyes to look at Ada who was just sitting like a statue and looking at me.

"Dom I ... I don't... " I cut her by raising my hands in front of her as a sign to tell her to shut up. "It's ok. I just said you what I felt and it's fine if you don't feel the same. Just tell me something, do you love someone else? Do you love A..Adam?" my voice broke in the end and I was trying hard to not cry.

"Dom...Dom it's not like that. I can't" Ada spoke and ran out of the hospital room. I just stilled and it felt like someone broke my heart into a million pieces. Only Rafael's words echo in my mind.


"So I think this is the last one," I said looking at Rafael who was looking at his laptop with great interest. "Ya so ready for it?" he asked looking at me for the first time since I came here. Clearing his throat he stated, " So the last one and the most important one of all is being SELFLESS".

I nodded for him to continue "You cannot be selfish with your lover. It's not about your happiness, your wants, or your needs. It's about her happiness, she wants and her needs" he said strongly and looked at his laptop.

"Ya, but if we love each other then it's all about our happiness right?" I asked curiously. "No, you are not getting it. All the five things I told you all these weeks are only for you, not your lover. I never once said that your lover is also in love with you. It's possible that it's unrequited love. Maybe she does not or will not love you back" Rafael said seriously.

"If they love of your life finds happiness with some other person or doesn't just love you, then what will you do?" Rafael asked me looking intensely. " I don't know. I...I have never felt like that" I said softly thinking hard.

"Ya, of course, you have never felt it and I hope you never. But this is the most important thing. If someday you face this, then always remember.... look after her happiness even if it means sacrificing yours" Rafael ended again looking at his laptop.

"What are you looking at?" I asked pointing towards the laptop. Rafael just looked up through his specks and a tear flowed from his eyes. "I miss her," he said quietly.

I just looked at him for a couple of seconds and knew about whom he was talking about.

"I miss her too," I said softly walking out of the doors to hide the tears flowing down my cheeks.


I just let her go. I saw her running but I didn't do anything. I gave her whatever she wished for and just left. I love You, Ada!!! I will give up my happiness thousand times more, only for you.


Sad chapter!!!!

But relax because there is more to come...

My story has come close to its end, so lets see what happens!!!


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