10. Jealousy kills the Road trip !!!

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pic of the jeep above

Ada's POV

"Come on guys, hurry up !!! We need to move on the road" Dom shouted on. Everybody threw their bags inside well except Bianca who had three big pink suitcases, it looked like she is going for a 6-month trip. We all tried to fit in but thanks to her luggage. Dom without even asking made for the run and started the engine.

"Bee your suitcases are occupying too much space" and with that Cathy threw away her suitcase right out of the moving jeep. "Ahhhhh......." Bee shouted as her life depended on it.

"Dom baby see what she did?" Bee half yelled and half pouted. Dom simply ignored her. Well, what can we say?  Well, the sitting arrangement was something like Dom in the driving seat with Bianca on the passenger seat and all the others on the back with me on Lorenz's lap, Selena on Fran's and Cathy on Mike's lap.

Dom was a little bit quiet, maybe because it was the first time I was not sitting beside him to give him company on trips like this. Well, I thought it would be better if Bee sat in the passenger seat since logically she is his girlfriend.

We all were goofing around, Cathy and Mike were making out as usual, and Bianca talking about her favorite brand. Why is she here again? About 2 hours later everybody was asleep except me and Dom. "So tell me honestly do you regret choosing Bianca?" I whispered. "Oh now she is talking" Dom said quietly. We were quiet for a few minutes.

"Dom I don't know what you want from me? You said everything was back to normal and we are ok right. And for your information, I am not quiet, it's actually the opposite. You are the one who hasn't uttered more than 10 words since the jeep started" I stated the facts.                                   "You are the one that started it. You know Ada you are the only one who sits beside me ever since I learned driving" Dom said whisper yelling.

"Oh God you are angry for that. Dom, you are acting like a kid" I said laughing as silently as possible. "Ada this is serious why the hell are you not sitting beside me and on top of it, you are sitting on that bastard's lap. I looked over Lorenz to see him sleeping soundly but I saw a small twitch on his lips.

"Dom we are not kids anymore and I respect your parents too much and for their sake, at least try to act like a boyfriend for 6 months. You owe your dad that much" I said trying to make him understand. "I don't know Ada I hate it when you do things like this" he pointed out a sleeping Bee with her open mouth.

"Dom things are going to change now. You have Bee and I have Lorenz " I said with a sad smile. "I hate changes" Dom said quietly. "Dom..." I was cut by the psst.... noise coming from backside and the jeep halted in the middle of the road.

"What happened and why is this road so empty?" I asked "I don't know maybe one of the tires is punctured and this road is never too much busy, its sort of a shortcut I took so that I didn't have to listen to Bianca's favorite nail paint" he spat out his words. God he hated Bee and somehow I was happy. Maybe because he deserved much more.

Dom got down the car and I looked towards my friends who were sleeping soundly. I got down to help Dom. "Heyy... it's repairable right?" I asked looking at Dom who was looking at the tires. "I think we need two tires, I forgot to get spare tires. God how can I forget such an important thing. Can you look at the GPS for a mechanic store around". Dom said still looking at the tyres like they would magically repair.

"Dom there is one around, about 5 km away" I shouted from the car. I didn't realize but everybody woke up from my voice except Selena, she is a deep sleeper.

"Why the hell are you shouting" Bianca glared at me still sleepily.

"Have we reached?" Cathy and mike spoke together.

"Why are we in the middle of the road?" Fran asked looking around.

"Guys wait. Listen we have a little problem here two of the tires have punctured we don't have spare tires and we are still halfway to the trek spot. We need tires which we can get from the mechanical store which is about 5 km from here" I completed the whole story and then released a long breath.

Everybody got out of the jeep except Selena. "Dom this road is the least busy one, the risk of anything happening is less. We all should lock the jeep and walk to the mechanic store" Lorenz said.

"No I think girls should stay here, Selena is asleep and we guys can carry two tires here easily," Fran said looking at Selena inside. "Guys can I please go with you guys I am really scared of the dark and I feel safe when Mike is around me. Please...." Cathy pleaded and her eyes looked up in panic and went in Mike's arms instantly. 

I looked around to see that the sky was turning dark and I knew how Cathy was scared of dark.    "I also want to be with Dom and I am also scared of dark" Bee clung to Dom's arm tightly who in return was trying to get out of her hold as decently as possible. 

"Ok, guys how about this.... all of you go to the mechanical shop except me and Selena. We will be inside the jeep and if we have any problems we will call you guys and Bee please remove your 6-inch heels and take my shoes. You won't be able to walk otherwise" I said out loud.

Everybody nodded in agreement except Dom who looked at me in awe, panic, and worry in his eyes. Everybody took some water bottles and tightened their laces, Bee exchanged shoes without any question. "Ada I think I should stay..." I cut Dom. "Dom chill everything will be all right. You guys will go and come back in no time and without you, they will not be able to carry the heavy tires and only you have a GPS around so they need you. Just go, we will be fine" I said looking at Selena and smiling at Dom reassuringly.

Dom kissed my forehead for a second too long "Be safe ok and use your fighting skills if needed always remember" I cut him again. "One hard punch on the nose and one on the groin and he is out. I know Dom. I learned from the best" I said hitting him playfully on his shoulder.

"Be careful Ada and keep Selena also safe," Fran said kissing me lightly on the cheeks and going to a sleeping Selena and kissing her on the forehead. There is something going on there!!

"Hey, you will be fine right?" Lorenz looked at me with a hint of worry and I smiled saying I will be just fine. He lightly kissed my lips "Come on time to go" Dom shouted from behind. In an instant me and Lorenz were away from each other and all of them waved at me and walked away.

Dom looked behind still worried and I gave him my special 250-watt smile seeing which he shook his head and smiled back.

I hope everything will go just fine I looked at sleeping Selena and sat beside her and took my mobile out and read Wattpad. After a good 20 minutes, I heard some voices.

Maybe they are back!!! OR NOT


Let's see what happens when Ada is alone with a sleeping Selena.

Please vote and read for the upcoming chapters will have some fighting and romance!!!

Thanx to all my lovely readers

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