13. Best night of my life !!! Did we just do it??

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Ada's POV

Everything changed that day. I lost my best friend, my old life, and my old self. Now it's been months after the bonfire and I haven't still talked to Dom properly, yes we smile when we see each other but other than that we ignore each other.

I don't know what happened or why it happened, what I know is I and Dom don't have our lives intertwined with each other anymore. He has his own life with Bianca and I have my own with Lorenz. Only because of one day. Dom realized that we can't be the same when we are in a relationship, but that didn't mean he had to throw me away from his life.

Heck, I didn't even think our small argument will result in something like this. Everything changed after my kiss with Lorenz in the bonfire. That kiss resulted in me losing Dom maybe forever. Nothing can change it, now we move in our separate lives. One week.....One week to graduation and one week to break up with Lorenz even though we no longer have a real relationship, it's just for the sake of my dad.


"Guys I was thinking we should have a party!!!" Mike shouted out in the cafeteria. Yes, I and Dom still have common friends but he is usually quiet, too quiet. "Ya that is a great idea, we only have one week then everybody will separate away. God, I still have creeps when I think about it" Cathy said dramatically hugging Mike tightly.

"Oh cut the drama it's not like any of us will cut all contacts with each other. Our lives will be different but we will be there for each other. In fact, we all are going to the same college. Right guys?" Fran shouted out looking at everybody with confidence. I don't know anymore, I don't want to relive my past 5 months. I looked at Dom who was as usual silent with Bianca sitting on his lap.

I came to hate her like hell not because she is too girly or anything that I can't handle, but because she took away Dom from me. "Where is the party?" I asked Mike and for the first time today, I saw Dom looking up at me. "Yes finally, I was so bored with you for the last 5 months. No party and almost no talking. Finally, my wild Ada is back" Sel shouted out taking me into a hug.

"At my house tomorrow 7:00 pm. We will have lots and lots of booze and dance like crazy!!" Mike shouted. "So you all are coming?" Mike asked looking at all of us. "We are in," I said looking at Lorenz for confirmation and he nodded with a smile. In these past months, Lorenz has become a good friend of mine not as good as Dom but at least he is there for me. Everybody agreed and in the end, Dom gave a nod looking at me. God, I so much wish we were back to normal.


( Next day, 7:00 pm)

I entered the party which was in full swing. Today I wore a purple mid-thigh dress which was tightly clung to my body showing all my curves with a black shrug and silver sterling heels. My make-up was next to nothing in all I looked good.

I entered the party with Lorenz on my side in a black shirt and looking very sexy, too bad we were not meant to be. I looked around to find my friends and as we both saw our gang, Lorenz circled his arms around my waist tightly, and moving through the crowd we walked over to them.

They were sitting in a semi-circle sofa with Dom in a white shirt looking hot as hell on the extreme right with Bianca on her lap followed by Fran, Mike, Cathy, and Sel. There was only a small space in the extreme left for one person to sit so Lorenz sat down and pulled me in, to sit on his lap. Now I was very much used to this gesture that it didn't even bother me.

Once Dom's eyes met mine I saw a sort of glee in it which changed into anger looking at me sitting on Lorenz then he moved his eyes and was trying not to make eye contact with me. Ugghh..... this ...this thing between us is killing me.

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