5. Who wants to marry whom :?

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Ada's POV

"Who wants to marry. You want to marry me, Dom?" I shouted and looked toward Dom for some reaction. "What the hell Ada I don't want to marry you heck I don't want to marry at all" Dom said and I instantly release a sigh of relief.

We both turned towards our parents giving them accusing stares. " Father if this is some business deal then I don't give a shit" Dom accused Presco. "What do you mean by a business deal? I know I am not the best dad in the world, but I would never sell my son for business" Presco said with disappointment in his eyes.

"And don't you guys love each other, heck I have hardly seen you without Ada." Presco said looking at both of us. Ugghh.. "I love Dom but not like that. We are best friends, not lovers. Eww... even the thought of Dom and lover sounds gross to me" I said with a grossed-out expression.

"Ditto... I love Ada but not like a wife or girlfriend". Dom totally agreed with me and we both gave each other a smile. Thank God we are on the same page.

"So let me get this clear you guys don't see each other that way" mom said, still confused. "Bingo!" we both said in unison.

"But we thought you guys want to live with each other your whole life" Nicole said while holding mom tightly. It looked like everybody was totally confused.

Dad was looking at us like he was trying to crack SAT examination and he came across the toughest question. Within minutes the hall was full of chaos everybody was confused and talking out the problem, even me and Dom were talking to each other about why the hell did everyone get this idea.

Except for dad who was listening to all of us and trying to analyze and give a solution. After a few minutes which seemed like hours, dad shouted "Quiet". In seconds the hall was too quiet for my liking. I looked at dad and it looked like he finally got his solution.

"Presco why don't you tell about your tradition to Dom?" dad looked towards Presco and it seemed like they were talking with their eyes.

"Uhh... yes well Rafael you start and we will fill in the gaps," Presco said to my dad. Dad nodded and looked towards us and then started the tradition which changed our lives.

"You see The Avellino's have had a family tradition which was followed by every child in the family which worked as a stroke of good luck for the family. Every son or daughter of the family has to marry before they are 22 years old to keep in retain their happiness, money, power and looks". By the time dad completed talking we all were looking at dad like he had grown a horn.

"What does this mean father. I mean you never told me about this tradition and all this is bullshit. This is 21 st century, heck you guys have those ancient superstitions" Dom exclaimed still disbelievingly.

"We never came up with this topic and even so all of us thought that you were in love with Ada, so we didn't even think you will have any problem regarding this" he exhaled loudly.

"And this is not a superstition. If you don't believe me then listen and listen carefully. This tradition has been followed by all our ancestors, except your Great Grandfather who, like you thought this was bullshit and he paid the price. Even I would have thought the same if I haven't seen it. Your great-grandfather refused to marry at 22. Till he was 23, everything was normal he had money, power, and everything. He fell in love when he was 23 and then started his bad luck, he lost his money in some gambling, his love left him for another guy, and little by little he lost everything. He married a girl at 26 thinking this would change everything, but nothing changed" Presco exhaled loudly and it seemed like he was in reminiscing his past.

"Since the day dad was born he every day reminded him that he had to marry at 22 and the same passed on to me. See now we are happy". Presco ended his story almost convincing me of the whole superstition.

"Happy!!!! This is happy. You cheated on mom and you are saying you are happy".Dom shouted out. I was shocked Dom never ever told me about Presco cheating on Nicole. It's not possible, yes Presco was not a gushy romantic but I have seen them together. Up to date, they looked like they are so much in love.

"Keep quiet, if you don't know the whole thing. Don't accuse me of something I didn't do". Presco said with clenching jaws.

"Don't you dare refuse it. I saw mom crying over you. I saw everything when I was 7, I know what you did" Dom said with hatred, disgust reflecting in his eyes.

"You disgust me, father. You are a ...." Dom was cut by Nicole who stood between them. "Stop...stop it Dom don't you dare accuse your father of something he never did" for the first time I saw Dom's mother so much angry and sad. I think I even saw little guilt.

"Mom you are supporting him..." Dom said now the anger turned over Nicole. My family was standing there listening and it seemed like mom and dad knew everything about this. I felt so left out.

Nicole started calmly "Your dad was held in a controversy where he was accused of having an affair with his secretary. Like everyone else, I accused your dad. But then the truth came up. A rival company had sent the slut to seduce Presco, but he was always loyal to me and so much in love with me. Their plan failed so they told her to start a false rumor to break our family. The night you saw us fighting... I was very angry at him. You were very small to understand anything." Nicole took a pause "but that night we resolved our problem "

"Yes I was angry but I trusted Presco so I gave him a chance to prove his innocence and he did it. I still feel guilty of even getting angry at him" Nicole looked at Presco so lovingly. Presco pulled her in his arms.

"We kept you out of all this. We didn't even know you heard us. That is why you disrespected me so much. I thought you were going through your 'teenage period'. You never said anything, just blindly hated me". Presco said understanding his son's hatred towards him.

I looked over Dom who looked like he was about to cry. I quickly held him giving him a side hug. He looked towards me showing me all his emotions of shock, sadness, guilt, respect, and lastly the old love which was pushed behind over years.

"Go give a hug to your dad. He deserves it after your 11 years of hatred" I said pushing him towards Nicole and Presco. He literally ran and tackled his dad to a hug who returned it with the same enthusiasm.

I think I saw tears in both of their eyes. I looked around to see everyone so happy and tears flowing from their eyes. I touched my cheeks and felt that I was also crying. Ugghh... I hate crying.

But I thought something at that time.


Dom lost 11 years of his father's guidance and love only because he misunderstood his father.

"Ok, so what about your marriage?" Presco said still hugging his son but also laughing at his expression.

That's when I remembered the tradition. Is it true, then God bless Dom and the unlucky girl.


Misunderstanding ruins everything. Don't accuse your loved ones or family till you are sure that they are guilty.

Everything you see or hear may not be true. Never come to a conclusion without going deep into the situation.

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