7. Who is the Future boyfriend and girlfriend?

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Gown of Ada for the charity function above....

Ada'd POV

"Hurry up Ada, I know it's good to be 'fashionably late' but this is too much we will reach at the end of the function" dad shouted vigorously knocking on the door.

"Dad I am coming!! I want to look good for my future boyfriend, you know the guy whom you want me to date for 6 months..." I shouted back and quickly checked myself well I looked good in my red gown which had a flowery design in the base, the dress was not too much ostentatious rather classy and beautiful.

I opened the door "Ahh... Finally !!" dad exclaimed and looked at me from head to toe and nodded in approval. "Looking beautiful darling. Come on we are late. Don't want to make your future boyfriend wait" dad winked at me and we walked down. Mom looked as usual gorgeous in her black dress.


"Listen honey go backstage and wait for your name to come then you just have to go up on the stage, show your contagious smile and walk sexily and men will be wrapped within your finger in no time" Layla, the charity manager said hurriedly. Well, she was a little uptight, but anyways 'thanks for the vote of confidence' I guess.

Thanks, dad for leaving me here among the flashy rich girls who have their faces caked up with makeup. I think if a guy wants to kiss them then first they have to find their skin under the whole bullshit and the worst part will be that they will feel like they have eaten raw flour. Eww..... Amen to that.

I didn't even get to see Dom, ugh... Why dad? Why? Why did you just drag me backstage without even a single friend and among the glares of these cruel girls? Right now I hate you.

I didn't even realize that when the auction started and when my name up came. I was suddenly pushed on the stage and the announcer was speaking "Here is beautiful, intelligent sweet and rich lady Miss Adaline Bianco who loves dancing as you can see" she gave a pause pointing my body to which the male population started cheering for me "entertaining like hell and what the most important thing is she is right now single and ready to mingle" as the announcer ended her wonderful speech,(please note the sarcasm) I was almost ready to run out of the stage but the cheers and the claps from the people held me on.

As the bidding started I tried to look around for someone familiar and then I saw Dom. Haash.... what a relief I looked at him who was also staring back at me. He was looking sexy as always in his black suit and a smirk but that quickly wiped off seeing my panic and he gave me a reassuring smile and looking at him all the panic and embarrassment washed away and gave my best smile to him, then looked around confidently. Thanks, Dom I needed that. That's why you are my Best friend.

"So it's 25,000 euros anyone else" the announcer looked around and then someone shouted " 75,000 euros" the voice was quite sexy and familiar, I looked around and saw the one and only Lorenzo Barcellini. Thank God he is someone familiar rather than some creep and I don't mind having him as my boyfriend he is not bad, actually quite hot not as much as Dom but heck his abs...

"75,000 euros our highest bid for today and Miss Adaline going for Mr. Lorenzo Barcelini. Thank you so much Mr. Barcelini for your generous help. I looked at Lorenz and he smiled at me then walked over and took my hand in his and we gracefully walked down the stage. Everyone was looking at us I looked over to see my father speaking with Presco and it seemed important.

Then Dom's eyes caught mine and we just stared at each other with a blank expression for a few seconds and then I looked to see his future girlfriend who was clinging to him as her life depended on it. Oh oh .... my God, that's Bianca Montaza, the barbie doll of our school aka the bitch cum slut and Dom had his first kiss with her when we were 6. Why did Dom choose her for his girlfriend?

But it is going to be interesting. I don't think Dom exactly knows her well and I am quite sure they will never marry. Dom hates those girls who are too demanding and Bianca is exactly the type he hates.

But he has to become her boyfriend for at least 6 months. This is going to be fun. Muaahhh I pity you Dom you could have done better. I think my pity showed up in my eyes and Dom gave me a confused expression and raise his eyebrows as in asking 'what the hell are you thinking'.

I was so into my eye conversation with Dom that I didn't hear my 'future boyfriend' asking me something. "Uuh.. sorry did you ask me something?" I gave him my sorry expression. He laughed and murmured more to himself "Cute", huh nobody except Dom ever said me cute. Everybody was always like 'she is sexy or hot as hell or gorgeous even beautiful but never cute'. That was a new one. I like it.

"Uuh... I was just asking if you would like to first see your family and introduce me then we can enjoy our evening or do you want to spend all your time with me?" he asked me with a smirk.

"Ya let's go to my family first" he held my hand and we walked toward my and Dom's family. "Dad" I called out. "Uhh.. this is Lorenzo Barcellini, my date for the evening", I introduced them and "my future boyfriend for the next 6 months as you know" I murmured to myself.

"Ahh... Lorenzo Barcellini son of Adam Barcellini one of my good friends. It's nice to meet you son" dad shook Lorenz's hand. Son.... why is he speaking so informally with him? Is he planning to set us for a long future? I looked over dad who was smiling at Lorenz and then I looked at Dom who mirrored my expression of confusion and a glint of panic. But why is he in panic? As if he heard my question he turned towards me and I saw only confusion in his eyes.

"Well go ahead, darling. I hope you have an exquisite evening and son take care of her" dad gave us a heads up and looked at everyone and bid me goodbye for the night.

I looked towards Dom to whom Bianca was clinging at and talking to him but his eyes were on me. I gave him a nod and mouthed "All the best" and in return, he mouthed "Call me if anything happens". God, he is very protective. I gave him a smile and walked out with Lorenz.

"This will be your best date ever" Lorenz exclaimed excitedly. O..Ok someone is very excited. I laughed at his behavior with only one thing in my mind HOPE. I hope I don't regret these 6 months.


What do you guys think? Is Dom jealous of Lorenz and why did he panic when Rafael called Lorenz 'son'.

What were Rafael and Presco talking about?

Was Ada a little too harsh towards Bianca because she was jealous?

Please vote and read if you want to know the answers.....

Love you all!!!


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