21.Plan Ends with a Bang!

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(11:45 pm)

Dom's POV

"So this was your plan? I knew that I could trust you" I shouted out almost jumping on Rafael. So he had set all this, Wow..... I just want to kiss him. Heck not to sound gay but what can I say I am too happy.

"What plan?" Ada asked looking dumbly at me and then at our family. She looked so adorable right now. Ada had turned around and was now standing right beside me facing our family and all the guests sitting in their place. "When I came back to France I was very depressed and was not coming out of my room. One day Rafael and dad came in saying that I have to marry before my 22 nd birthday that is tomorrow and I just trusted them" I gave a pause looking at Ada who looked angry right now.

"And what I suppose is that they send you my wedding invitation so that your stupid brain starts working faster and you come here in the fear of losing me forever. Am I right Rafael?" I looked over Rafael who are smirking at me and Ada.

"Well ya you can say that," Rafael said with a shrug but the smirk was intact and it made me feel like I am unknown to something. "Oh come on! Rafael, just tell them" dad spoke up patting Rafael's back. Ada was now in my arms hugging me from the side and looking up at me with questioning eyes. I just shrugged letting her know that right now we are on the same boat.

"Ughh....fine you spoiled the fun Presco. Anyway..... if you want to know so much then let me tell you Dom, you know a very small part of the plan, in fact, you know only the end" Rafael told us with a big smirk. Right now I had a big question mark on my face.

"Ok ok, I don't want to torment you further so let's clear up one thing. My plan started almost 4 years ago the time when I told you your family tradition, Dom. Well, let's see.... you guys were totally ignoring the fact that you guys were soul mates or in other words, you were unknown soul mates. So I came up with a fast forward plan and thought of throwing in two catalysts in your life" Rafael paused and looked up to me and Ada with a small smile.

"And those two were......Lorenz and Bianca" as he said that I and Ada perked up looking curiously at Rafael. "Yes, the night of auction I specially told Lorenz to buy you darling and out of all the girls in the auction did you ever notice that only you and Bianca had decent looks while others were purposely chosen so that Dom won't choose anyone other than Bianca. And oh by the way I created Bianca's personality" Rafael looked at Ada and Bianca with a big smile and winked at them to which Bianca just opened her veil and winked back.

"I spoke with Bianca and got to know that she thought, you and Ada are perfect for each other. So I asked her to act like a slutty bimbo" Rafael explained to me.

"And son I knew you too well. I knew that you would for sure choose a slutty girl for your own use. Bianca being the sweetheart agreed to help us with the plan. Though after all these years it was a little difficult to bring her here in this wedding dress since she is right now in a stable relationship with someone" dad said with a sigh.

"Right but then I thought that I had played well in your love story so why not play till the end" Bianca spoke with a smile and let me tell you it was the first time I saw a genuine one. Right now I take back all the bad remarks I gave about her.

"And Lorenz was also equally helpful though right now he has gone to Hawaii for his honeymoon and sent his best wishes for you both" Rafael spoke. "Wow...." I sighed thinking all this.

"Well, Dom if you think it is over then you got it wrong............. Our plan was working perfectly at that time. You were jealous and possessive of Ada, but one thing we got wrong. We thought that Dom was a harder nut to crack out of the two so we stressed on making Dom jealous, possessive, and protective more than Ada. And then the night Ada left was a major leak in our plan" Rafael looked at Ada sadly.

"It took us more time than we intended to take but Ada darling, if you even think for a second that we left you alone without protection then you are wrong. We always looked after you from here" Rafael said strongly.

"You knew? Then why didn't you tell me, Rafael? Why didn't you tell me anything when I came up to you almost crying or when you gave me all the lessons about love?" I shouted out.

"Relax Dom. I didn't tell you because it was the right thing to do. Ada went to London because she wanted time away from you, me, and all of us. I gave her that but since she is my darling so I just kept a watch from afar. And Dom as for you, if I had told you, you would have got the next plane to London to meet her and then restore your friendship trying to push away the love between you guys" Rafael patted my back to calm me down.

"You guys were lifesavers for each other and it was very important for you guys to live a life as individuals for a while. While here I gave Dom everything possible to understand his love for you and the same way I send you a person who can make you understand yourself" Rafael spoke looking at Ada.

"Who?" Ada whispered. "You knew, Adam! He is the son of a very good friend of mine. But 3 years Ada? Seriously 3 years I thought you would take less than that but what can I say. Then the company merger was also my idea. I gave Presco the idea and he told Dom about it. Then in London Adam played his part but it was more of Dom's effort on you. Thank God finally he used his brains and confessed or else I thought I would die before seeing my grandchildren" Rafael laughed out.

"Anybody missed me!" someone shouted from the entrance and everybody looked back to see the one and only Adam with a big smile on his face. "Adam I am so going to kill you. You acted to be my friend" Ada shouted out angrily. "Oh come on Ada, I always loved you as a friend," he said looking at me "that's why I even did this" he came forward giving Ada a tight hug,  and then releasing her I placed my hand around her waist possessively to which everybody laughed.

"So well that ends our plan with a bang!! Oh by the way Happy birthday Dom" Rafael spoke up looking at his watch". My 22 nd birthday. "Hey, the family tradition was fake?" I asked quietly.

"Of course, that tradition set a boundary or you can say a deadline. If I hadn't made all that then you would have never confessed each for the next 10 years" Rafael spoke proudly.

"Oh so we don't have to marry today," I told myself disappointingly. Everybody laughed and I looked at Ada to see her blushing oh God......... they heard that. "Relax Remeo you can marry Ada whenever you want," dad said with a smirk and there was again a round of laughter heard.


So how was that ha? I hope you like it............... and this is the end with a short Epilogue ahead!!

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