Main Characters

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Main Characters

Matilda Devson: 17 years old, blond long straight hair, ocean blue eyes, almost pale complexion, make up, dark clothing, skull accessorise and chains. Sometimes perceived as a punk.

Biography: She lives with her parents (dad: John, mom: Mary) in Florida for the time being. Good student, many friends, loved by everyone, shy and polite.Still no boyfriend. Her parents think of moving all togethet to another state for a change but they haven't got the chance yet.

Jake Bresley: 17 years old,lives with his parents in a huge house in California, wealthy family. Dark blond hair, tall, slim, greenish-blue eyes, tanned skinned, arrogant, high self-esteemed, famous, many girls around him but no formal girlfriend, just playing around.

Biography: His father is a businessman and works in a huge magazine in town.His mother sells make-up products in a renouned company. They are away from the house almost the whole day due to their jobs. Jake is one of the most famous and handsome guys at Lenston High School. Drives a white Audi.

David Johnson: 17 years old, blue eyes, brown hair, perceived as an emo, punk or depressed.Matilda meets him and they turn out to be best friends. Drives a car and he is also best friend with Tom, Ronny, Celine and Kate. Goes to Lenston High School.

Kate Sanly: Turns out to be Matilda's best friend in California. Brown hair and greenish eyes. Dark complexion and thin. She is polite and caring. Also best friends with David, Tom, Celine and Ronny. Goes to Lenston High School too.

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