Chapter 5 ~ I miss her

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Chapter 5 ~ I miss her

Matilda's POV

Sandra was so cool! When I woke u,p I found a message in my cell phone by her.

"Mati I miss you so much!! How are you doin' there?" She texted me.

"Fine cutie! What about you? Are you having a great time?" I texted back.

"Guess what?" 

"Hmm. Damien?" I texted to her.

"Yes. I met him yesterday afternoon while I was walking back to my house and he talked to me. He said that he missed me all these days and that he would like it if I will go out with him! Do you believe it? It's fuckin awesome! He asked me out:)"

"Whoaaaaaa! He finally did it! He fuckin did it! I am so excited. I wish you where here right now. What are you gonna wear? Try that floral blue dress. It lookes perfect on you:)"

"Thanks Mati. How is everyone there?"

"The Bresley's have a son! His name is Jake. and he is 17."

"A son in our age? And you are calm?" She texted and I could imaginne the smirk on her face.

"He is handsome, but he is arrogant." I texed quickly, so that she would stop making assumptions.

"Ohh:( That's bad. But you can change him."

"Haha, I'll send you the name to his Facebook profile."

"Okay and after the date with Damien, I'll call you."

"Yeah I will be waiting. Let me know. Good luck hun"

Damien asked her out. I knew she must be screaming out of happiness right that time. I felt so happy about her. I wish I was there to feel that happiness with her. I'm still here, in hell though. Almost three days there, and I couldn't make it anymore.

Maybe that was what I was waiting for. Then I knew for sure, I felt nothing about Damien. I didn't feel jealous at all. I only felt excitement and relief. Basically I didn't care about anyone else. Except for my parents and Sandra. They meant a lot to me.

Parents, yeah. Only if they could understand how I felt in there. As if I lived in a prison. I didn't know the place, neither the people. I had left everything behind. And I got that Jake. The arrogant dumbass.

Author's Note: Sorry, this chappy is too short, I know.:/ But school has started and I need to pay all of my attention there right now.

What do you think about Matilda?
Should I continue with the story?
Please, let me know about anything.
I am here for everyone:)

Thanks for the votes and the comments really! They have almost reached 600! You are awesome!!!

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