Chapter 30 ~ Drunk And Wasted

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Chapter 30 ~ Drunk And Wasted

Matilda's POV

I still couldn't believe that everything in my life went out so nice. We had settled in California, I lived in a beautiful house, my parents were happy and I had Jake who loved me. I couldn't wish for more.

Besides, Kate had a caring boyfriend, who liked her so much and David seemed much better after our long conversations about life.

Today was a nice, sunny day and everything went on well. Even at the Maths test at school, I got an A and the teacher congratulated me for my progress. 

I met Jake in the long corridor at the break time and he placed a sweet kiss on my lips. He placed his arms around my waist and looked through my blue eyes.

"You know, there is a party tomorrow night...You think we can go?" He said in a low voice.

"Who's throwing the party? James again?" I asked before giving him an answer.

"No, it's Ronald this time. What do you say?"

"I have to think of it. I should ask my parents first."

"I don't think they will have  a problem with that. Even now that they know about our relationship." He said and smiled at the term 'relationship'.

"Our relationship?" I smiled back.

"Yes." He said and tightened the embrace. "So it's a yes?" He asked after a pause.

"It's a yes."

We both entered the school's cafeteria which was crowded and I spotted James and Kate at a table in the middle. We sat next to them and we ate lunch all together. They were going to the party too.

"Is David coming to the party too?" I asked Kate. Jake gave me a confused look but I turned my view back to Kate.

"I don't think so. We haven't talked yet."

"Ahh okay." I said and ended the discussion.

After school, Jake drove me back home and I logged in my computer to find David online on Facebook. I decided to start a conversation with him in the chatroom.

"Hey Dav, wassup? Missed you.:(" 

"Missed you too:( How are you doing with Jake?" He answered after some seconds.

"We are good together. What about you? Are you coming to Ronald's party tomorrow night?:)"

"No, I'm not in the mood. Besides, I have a Progect task to work on.:("

"But you should have some fun. I'll be there, and Kate will be there too." I typed, as I tried to change his mind.

"No, I'm sorry, I can't. Go there and enjoy yourself. U deserve it."

"Okay, as u wish. I'll be still waiting for you.:/"

"You are so nice:)  I need to go now. Bye Mrs pinkie." I smiled as I read 'Mrs Pinkie', the nickname he had given me.

"Bye Mysterious Boy:)" I typed with a smile on my face and he immediately logged out.

When mom and dad came back home,  I ran down the stairs I set the table all alone and waited for them in the dining room.

"Matilda, are you up to something?' My dad asked as he entered the room, looking at me with a worried look on his face.

"No, daddy. Why do you say that?" I faked an innocent expression.

"Either you are in a good mood, or you want to ask for something. I know you well." He told me, like he was reading my mind.

"Firstly, I must inform you that I got an A at the Maths test.." I said and continued. "And in consideration to this, I want to ask for your permission to go to a party tomorrow night with Jake..." I said and tried to figure out his answer by the look on his face.

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