Chapter 21 ~ The Letter

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Chapter 21 ~ The Letter

Matilda's POV

The next morning I woke up in the memory of what happened the previous day.

I ate breakfast and went to school with Jake. I directly went to my classroom and the Literature's teacher was already in. I ran quickly to my seat next to Kate and mouthed at David a good morning.

"Good morning" he mouthed back.

At the breaks, he kept looking at me with a thoughtful look. But still smiling and talking to everyone.

When we arrived at home, I took a look at the house that we'll be ours after it's done. The workers are doing a great job and it seems almost ready for us to live. But as the days come, I am not fond of the idea of leaving. I like Mr and Mrs Bresley, and I have even get used to Jake. But we can't stay forever here.    

When I got into my bedroom (still mine), I threw my bag down and lyed on the bed. A few hours past and I fell asleep. Then a beaping from my bag woke me up. A message from David.

"Did you find my letter? :( "

"Which letter? :(" I texted back.

"Check at your Maths book. Bad girl you haven't studied for tomorrow's test."  I chuckled at this and I smiled at the thought of him, writing a letter for me.

I ran to my bag and took my Maths book forcefully out of it. I shook it and a folded, white piece of paper dropped on my feet.

I was so curious that I couldn't help but open it right then. There with beautiful, black letters it was written:

You told me you love me, remember?

Will you still love me when it's three in the morning and I'm crying so hard that I can't breathe?

Will you still love me when I shut you out and won't explain to you why, because I don't want to bring you down?

Will you still love me when you know I have demons constantly lurking in my mind just waiting to mess everything up?

You are my everything.

I don't want the darkness to mess this up.

D.J. littlepoet02

Yeah, and there was me, holding his letter. I felt so aweful for him. So sorry. It really brought a song to my mind. The song that says:

I hold your letter in my frozen hands.
The last line was long.
As long as it burns.
My look carries on.
With every word another feeling dies.
I'm left here in the dark.
No memories of you.
I close my eyes.
It's killing me.

I took my mobile phone and dialed his number. He answered. I didn't speak. I waited for him. But I could only hear his heavy breathing.

"Hey" he finally said in a dull tone.

"Hey" I barely spoke back.

"Did you read it?"

"Yeah.." I said and continued after a pause. "Is this how you really feel?"

"Yes.. And I don't think you can bare with it. Maybe for a week or two, but after that you will get bored with me and my issues."

"Ok, then let's try it."

"You'll get hurt and I'll get hurt. But I'm used to suffer. You are not."

"Please come over here. I don't think there'll be a problem with the Bresley's. Please."

After some minutes I heared the knock on the door, so I ran down the stairs. Mrs Bresley opened the door.

"Who is this?" She asked.

"I'm David Johnson. I came for Matilda."

"Don't worry Mrs Bresley" I yelled. "I asked him to come over. Is there a problem with that?"

"No honey, it's OK. You can always bring your friends here." she said and turned to David. "Come over young man."

We entered my room and sat on my bed.

"So why did you ask me to come over?" he asked.

"I wanted to see you. You can share your pain with me."

He didn't answer so I continued. "Why did you sign as littlepoet02 in your letter?"

"My father used to write a lot. He would always sign as littlepoet01. Since I inherited his love in writing, I decided to sign as littlepoet02. I always write down what I feel, it's like talking about it." he paused. "I miss him so much, Matilda. But he now lives so far away."

"You can still find him."

"But since he divorced from my mother, he has made a new family."

"That doesn't matter. You will forever be his son."

"Thank you so much for everything." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. In fact, I liked it. He then hugged me with warmth and let out a sigh.

"I like being with you. No one of my friends makes me feel the same. You offer me relief and protection Mrs Pinkie."

He was right. I was one of his friends. And I think, this was the first time, that I didn't have a problem with that.

"I can't lie to you. I like you. I mean I like you as my girlfriend, not just as a friend. But I think we can make it as friends too. What do you think?" He said.

"We can give it a shot Mysterious Boy. Let's be friends." I said and smiled.

I am not sure if this will work, but we have nothing to lose.


Author's Note: How is this book so far? Is anybody reading it at all? :/

Hugs & Kisses*____*

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