Chapter 1 ~ The News

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Chapter 1 ~ The news

Matilda's POV

"Matiiii wake up! You'll be late for school!" My mother shouted from the kitchen.

Today was the last day of our school exams, biology. And then, summer vacations! I felt sure my parents were planning something different for that summer but they hadn't told me anything by that time.

"Have a nice summer everyone!" Mrs Woods exclaimed cheerfully. The bell rang and all the students, bumping on one another, they were all heading to the exit, with huge smiles on.

After school, I said goodbye to some of my friends and wished them a nice summer. I was so excited that school was over. Then, I could do whatever I liked. That summer was for me.

When we ate lunch all together, my parents said they wanted to talk to me. I began to feel nervous, due to their seriousness.

"Matilda look, remember the Bresley family? They have suggested us go in California where they live to spend our summer." He paused, cocking an eyebrow. "How do you find it? We'll be staying at their large house for some time." my father told me in a serious tone.

"Oh really? I don't remember them well but you are always talking about them. Yes, I would love to go there." I said with a smile. I was really excited with the idea.

"Yes. But you know that we have financial problems and they told us that me and your father could work there, in their business. So maybe we should stay there for some months in case our life becomes better." My mom informed me.

"What? No. I have my friends here! I don't have anybody there. And what about school? What about the house? We'll be staying forever in their house?" Sweat began to pour under my arms.

"No sweetie, when we earn money we'll be able to rent a house there. But okay, we can discuss this again at the end of the summer. Now just be ready because in 30 of July we are leaving."

"Yes." I shrugged. I love California but I was a bit worried that we would be staying in a house with people I didn't know at all. And that made me nervous.

I texted my best friend Sandra to tell her my news! I knew I would miss her so much. She meant a lot to me. She was the one I trusted the most since I don't have any siblings. She was like my sister.

"Hey, that's great Mati." She texted back.

"Yeah, it is." I texted back, although I didn't tell her that we might stay there forever. It was beyond any thought.

Jake's POV

The last subject I was writing was Literature; oh my god, so boring. But thanks god summer was coming. I slowly took my backpack from the seat and headed to the parking lot. Everyone around was smiling foolishly and yelling loudly, all discussing about their summer plans. I shrugged.

"Hey man. What are you up to today?" James asked, tapping my back.

"I think I'll just stay home. I feel worn out after the last practise. This new coach is pretty tough, huh?"

"Relax dude, talk later. Bye." He said quickly and left. 

That was cold, dude!

I got in my Audi and drived towards my house. The buzzing in my pocket brought me back down to Earth. Sabrina was calling me.

"Hello" I said.

"Hello Jake. What's up babe?"

"Fine Sab." I wasn't in the right mood.

"You sound a bit nervous my baby.." She said back almost immediately.

"No Sab I am okay.."  I tried to reassure her.

"What are you doing tonight? Would you like to come over my house..?"

"No Sabrina, I am sorry but I'd rather stay at home tonight.I feel a bit tired. I wanna relax."

"Okay Jake, bye..  I'll call you later." She said and hang up.

I felt guilty for talking to her in this tone. But I was bored with her.

Sabrina had been my girlfriend for a two weeks. I mean not exactly a girlfriend. Something like a sexfriend. What we had wasn't love. It was how I would spend my time.  

I knew this was not mature and I was thinking of breaking up with her. But I was afraid to do that. She would get hurt. I knew I had a great impact on girls. I mean, I was famous at school and every girl liked me. And it was fun for me to play rather than have a long term relationship. Maybe in the future and totally not with Sabrina.

When I got home, I walked towards my bedroom. I relaxed on my blue sofa thinking of how the summer would be like. Girls, parties, drinking. Oh yes, and this family from Florida that I didn't even know,  would stay in our house till they found one to buy or rent. Mom told me they had a daughter in my age. How would she be like?

Matilda's POV 

"Mati I'll miss you so much all this time." Sandra confessed to me. We were in the park, holding our first ice creams for the summer.

"I'll miss you too Sandra. I don't know anyone in California. I will be so alone."

"But it's just for a month, right?" Don't worry then." She said and I lowered my head.

"Huh, yeah." I tried to hide my suspicions.

"You are not staying there forever, are you?"

"No, definetely not!" I snapped back. "I'll be back before school starts." I assured her.  "I don't want to be there all alone, with people I don't know."

"No Mati, you won't be alone. Don't say that. These will be your best days ever. Maybe there you'll meet the love of your life. Who knows." She said, trying to comfort me.

"Hmm. I doubt."

Author's Note: Hey, this is the first chapter! I know it's really boring, but that's only because we are still at the beginning.. Keep on reading. You'll stick to this story!:) Love you!

Matilda's photo on the right:)

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