Chapter 28 ~ Together On Sunday

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Chapter 28 ~ Together On Sunday

Matilda's POV

"Hey sunshine." I felt Jake's warm lips against my cheek. "Goodmorning."

"Goodmorning." I mumbled with a smile. The bed felt so warm against my skin that I didn't want to move.

"It's a beautiful Sunday morning and we have the whole day to spend together. I got a message from my father. They will be here at night, so we can take advantage of all these hours." he said and opened the window. Suddently, light filled the room and blocked my view, making my eyes ache a bit.

"Why don't we stay in bed?" I suggested nagging. He gave me a warning but still playful look and jumped on the bed. He began to tickle me under my arms and on my belly.

"Stop it, please." I pleaded through my laughter, but I had no hope. "Please." I cried out and he pressed his lips against mine to stop my hopeless screams.

"Still sleepy, princess?" he asked with a wink.

"No!" I answered back. "I'm full of energy....and full of bruises by your forceful tickles." I said with a kid's voice.

"You need me to take care of them?" he asked seductively and before I could say a word, he came uppon me and started nibbling on my neck. His hot tongue drew circles on my skin that sent shivers down my spine. I was enjoying it so much, but I thought it was enough for that time.

I moved my body, showing that I wanted him to stop. He lifted his head up and looked at me, but kept holding me, since he had coiled his arms behind my waist.

"Today it's my turn to prepare the  breakfast." I stated with pride, managing to escape from the previous session.

I walked towards his bathroom, cleaned myself up and changed in some cosy clothes. Afterwards, we both went downstairs and I offered to fully take care of him.

"You just sit here and I'll take care of the rest." I ordered him and he did as told.

Firstly, I took a tablecloth and placed it on the table. Secondly, I brought the plates, the marmelade, the butter and the honey to him.

Then I took some oranges to make him an orange juice and also prepared the coffee machine for a hot, caramel-flavoured coffee. As I was ready to squizze the oranges, I thought I would apparently need a glass. Eventually, I realised I couldn't remember where they were, so I began to open each one of the cabinets and search for them.

"In the second drawer to your left." Jake popped, like he had read my mind.

"I knew it, I just wanted to check if you're paying attention." I joked and he chuckled.

When I finally made the orange juice and the coffee, I just stayed there looking at him, waiting for him to say something.

To my surprise, he hadn't touched anything, before I was finally done.

"Don't you like it? Do you want something else?" I asked in disappontment.

"I love it. I just waited for you to sit with me." he said and I couldn't help but smile.

After devouring everything and cleaning up the table, he stood up and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"It was perfect. Thank you." he told me, touching his belly and I let out a sigh of relief. "What do you want to do now?"

"What do you usually do with your friends?"

"Spending our time with the PlayStation. Not a girl's thing, I know." he said.

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