Chapter 25 ~ Despicable Me

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Chapter 25 ~ Despicable Me

Matilda's POV

The sunlight blocked my view and woke me up. When I opened my eyes, I kept wondering where I was.

I turned my head and found Jake sleeping next to me. I panicked at first but then I realised I was in his bedroom. I remembered watching a movie with him and falling asleep. Afterwards, maybe he had brought me up there.

He was sleeping next to me, half-naked and his hotness was filling the room. I couldn't believe I was there, with Jake, on his bed. I couldn't get my eyes of him. His still tanned face had perfect corners and no flaws. His muscles were revealing the years of training. Some strands were falling on his eyes. His breathing was heavy and he smelled like a small baby. A big part of me didn't want to leave. Or maybe, the whole part of me didn't want to leave. I just wanted to stay there, staring at his cuteness.

Despicable me, I'm not his type of girl.

With a loud sound, coming from the road, he opened his eyes and caught me staring. I blushed and diverted my gaze, but it was already late.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. You didn't watch even half of the movie yesterday."

"Ehh, come oooon!" I exclaimed embarassed. "I was tired. Good morning to you too."

"It's okay, princess. I don't blame you for anything. You were so cute last night."

Sleeping beauty? Princess? Cute?
Twilight zone?

"I was a big trouble for you last night, wasn't I? You had to carry me up here."

"Lucky me, you fell asleep and I had to carry you. I kind of liked it." He said and I blushed again.
"And the way you are blushing, every time I talk to you, is cute too." He added.

I was about to speak when somebody knocked on his door.

"Jake, is Matilda in there? She needs to go home." His mother shouted behind the door.

"Yes mom, she's coming."

As I made my attempt to stand up from the bed, Jake suddently grabbed my wrist and brought me back.

"I'm still driving you to school, right?" He whispered in my ear as he came closer and closer.

I nodded silently, forming a little smile and left.

I quickly ran to my house, dressed up, did my make up, flat-ironed my blond hair and took my school bag. As I was going down the stairs of my new house, I could see all the boxes here and there. We had still a lot of things to unpack. I went to our new kitchen and my mom made me a coffee to drink. My dad had already gone to work.

After some minutes, I heared Jake's car beeping outside. I kissed my mother and left through the door, grabbing an apple for school.

"Hey." he said as I got in his luxurious Audi.

"Hey" I said back, with a smile.

"What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?"

"Hmm... I guess home, watching TV.." I responded in a dull tone.

"Would you like to go out with me?" he said and I couldn't take a word out of my mouth. "I go for a coffee or something.." he added.

"Oh yes." I answered monotonously, trying to hide my excitement. But I was screaming inside.

"Perfect." he commented.


I walked through the school's main haul to find David and the others. David was sitting on his desk, while Kate was sitting next to him, and they were talking.

"Morning!" I said as I entered the classroom.

"Good morning." David said back with a warm smile, that showed his perfect white teeth.

"How was your date with James Kate?" I asked her and David shrugged.

"It was awesome. We are...kind of...together." She said.

"Really? Whoa! I'm so happy for you. " I said and gave her a hug.

David kept having a disgusted expression on his face. I gave him a warning look in order to bring him back to his normals. I didn't want him to let Kate down. His opinion, that James is a jerk and a womanizer, wasn't wrong. I believed in that too. But from then, Kate was his girlfriend, I had warned her once, so then it was her choice.

Maybe James was not just what he seemed.


Author's Note: Boring chapter, I know.:( But I'll make it up with the next one, that is coming in the blink of an eye!!! :)

I promise;)

Thanks again for the comments and the votes! Keep on your jobs.hehee.xD

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