Chapter 6 ~ The Game

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Chapter 6 ~ The Game

Jake's POV

I was woken up by my cell phone ringing. It was my coach and he told me that the football game is in 5 days and we will travel to NY and stay there some days to train. I could bring one person with me. But I'd rather be alone so I could concentrate better on the game. So I needed to get my things packed.

"Mom, tomorrow I am leaving for the game. With the whole team. I will need my blue trainers, where are they?" I asked her.

"Oh. Check in your closet. Can I come with you?" She emerged in my room.

"Mom I'd rather go alone this time..." I shrugged and turned away.

"You don't want mommy? Last year I came with you and everything was fine. Your team even won hun."

"Mom please don't call me hun! This year I want to go alone. Don't worry I'll be with the team and two coaches." I informed her to calm her down. "Come on! I am 17!"

"Since you can bring one person why can't I come? Or maybe Matilda can come with you."

"Matilda?" I snapped back t her.

You must be kidding mom!

"No way, I don't even know her." I continued.

"Here there are." She said and handed me the trainers she found in my wardrobe. "Why don't you like her? She is so nice." She continued.

"I want to be with my team and I can't carry her with me. Please, mom!" I shouted angrily.

Sometimes she doesn't understand me at all. How could I go to the game with a stranger?

"Ok ok hun."

I grinned at hun. Oh god, I felt so tired these days. The previous day I met with Sabrina. In her house. Her mother, whom she lives with, was away so we took that chance.

She was so hot, god, but boring. She masters only in the sex thing. But apart from that, she tries to act in a sweet and romantic way, which doesn't suit her at all. It's not herself.

Matilda's POV

I was still waiting for Sandra's call. I hope everything turned out as she wished. All these years, she was always by my side. I love her.

Jake was leaving tomorrow for NY. His mother told me. She even told me that she would like it if I went with along him. She seemed to trust me, really. But she told me that Jake wanted to travel alone.

Yeah, I didn't care. Even if he'd wanted it, I would have said no, either way. Four days alone with him? With his big ego? No, thanks. I'd rather eat a whole portion of brocolli.


He left tomorrow morning. With his luxurious Audi. Phew. That felt way better.

"Matilda would you like to come with us to the mall today? " Mrs Bresley asked me pointing to herself and mom.

I couldn't help but say yes. I love the mall, generally shopping. And it seemed a way to forget about Florida for a while and get used to California. I desperately needed to adapt there, meet people and make new friends.

But why did I feel this heaviness on my chest, especially that day? What was this, that kept me away from smiling? What?

Author's Note: Vote ~ Read ~ Comment

Have also a look at my first wattpad creation Just a dream or not? (Bill Kaulitz Love Story).

If anyone reads this, I love you*____*

You are awesome^.^

Again a short chappy:( I'm sorry..

Jake's photo on the right as Michael Chad Murray---->

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