Chapter 24 ~ The Last Night

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Chapter 24 ~ The Last Night

Matilda's POV

My heart skipped a beat, when I read Jake's message. Yeah, I'd really love to stay for one more night at his house, but I needed to take my parents' permission first.

"Mom, dad, is it okay if I sleep tonight at Bresleys?" I asked them with anticipation.

Since I didn't get an answer, I begged "Please, for one last night."

"Yes Mati. It's okay." my daddy said hopefully.

I ran to my new bedroom and typed a message to Jake. "I'm coming!"

I quickly took my jacket and my mobile, kissed my parents and left through the big, white front door.

"Come in Matilda. Jake is in the living room." His dad told me. "We'll visit  your house, we haven't seen it at all. Jake has got a movie for you to watch and my wife has prepared pizza and popcorn for you. We'll be back later."

"Ok Mr Bresley." I said with a smile.

"Oh Matilda, you are still calling me that way? I think it's time for you to just call me Jim."

"Okay...Jim" I said in embarassment.

"Have a nice time guys." Mrs Bresley said to us.

"You too mum and dad." I heared Jake screaming from the living room.

I made my way to the living room where Jake was. He had lyed on the big couch and had a blanket on top of him.

"Turn the lights off and come here." he ordered, tapping with his palm the empty space next to him.

I did as told, and jumped next to him.

"What are we watching?"

"A movie about a girl that was murdered and the police is trying to solve the case. I know you like such kind of movies."

"Hell yeah, I love them." I exclaimed and moved my back to suit myself.

At the beginning of the film, we had already devoured the pizza and I could feel my stomach going to explode.

The warmth of the blanket made me feel safe and calm. My eyes became heavy and I could barely keep them open. I instinctively rested my head on Jake's arm, and as soon as I realised what I was doing, I lifted it up.

"It's okay." He commented, but I felt my cheeks getting that reddish color.

Jake's POV

Matilda was so sweet that I couldn't pay attention to the movie, but only to her. I could see that she was starting to feel sleepy.

At a moment, I felt her head on my shoulder, but she lifted it at the next second. Despite there was no light, I could see her cheeks getting red.

"It's okay" I said in order to comfort her.

Some seconds later, she rested again her head on my shoulder and when I turned to face her, I saw that she was sleeping. I brought my arm behind her head and made her lean onto me. I brought the blanket on her back so she would stay warm. I caressed her cheek with my palm and took some of her strands out of her face. I tried to be gentle with my moves. I didn't want to wake her up.

As I was holding her that time, I felt my body getting hot. I didn't know what was that for. Or maybe, I didn't want to admit that it was an erotic urge. She had nothing to do with the other girls I have slept with. She was naive.

I wasn't watching the movie then. I was just staring at her flawless face, at her cute chin, at her cheeks. I had the urge to kiss her full pink lips. I couldn't stop myself, but I had to. I shouldn't take advantage of her.

After some time of thinking whether I should carry her to my room or not, I finally snaked my arms around her minion body and lifted her up. I silently walked up to my bedroom and lyed her on my bed. Her body was getting cold, so I took a blanket from my wardrobe and brought it upon her, covering every inch of her, except for her pale face.

As I lyed next to her, I couldn't stop observing her. Her blond hair was falling perfectly below her shoulders and her mouth formed different curves each time, that I couldn't help but chuckle.

All of the time I kept wondering.

How would her lips taste?

Author's Note: Alohaaa!! Thanks for the comments and the 2,5k views. I'm glad you liked my story and I want to hug each one of you^.^

You are awesome! Thanks a lot!

This is one of my favorite chappies!:)

Kisses Kisses Kisses:*

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