Chapter 12 ~ The decision

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Chapter 12 ~ The Decision

Matilda's POV

Everything is so odd in here.

Who is that little girl?

I kept holding the picture and wondering. I opened the room door and found Jake going down the stairs.

"Hey, Jake. Who is that girl in the picture?" I asked him.

"Hey! Where did you find this? Give it to me right now!" he shouted and grabbed the picture from my hands.

I was kinda scared of his reaction. He then went directly back to his room. I decided not to talk about this anymore and forget it.

As I was lying on the large couch in the living room, my parents came because they said they wanted to talk to me.

"Matilda, look. The business we make with Mr Bresley in his company is going really great. We have started to earn money again, and in some months will be able to pay off a large part of our debts." my dad informed me.

"And that means...?" I asked rather confused.

"It means that if you also agree with our decision, we can rent the house which is next to this and stay here for this autumn and winter at least. But as far as you are OK with this."

"Look, mum, dad. You know my opinion to staying here..." I tried to talk but my father cut me off.

"Please think of it firstly, before answering. It means a lot. Our situation will get better here. Our future seems optimistic. Yours and ours. We will have a job and you will go to a private school, which is way better that your previous one. Please don't answer before you think deeply of it."

"OK dad. I will, I promise."

I needed to take everything in consideration. I must not be stubborn and selfish. I should think of my parents. But I felt so strange in there. Except for my new friends, anything else was hell. I didn't like it that I am new to all this. That I would have to leave everything behind and stay here. Next to Jake's house. In a new school.

But I couldn't let my parents down. They had finally found the job that they were looking for all these years. And in one month they would earn the money that they wouldn't earn in a year in Florida. So I needed to think of it seriously.

Jake's POV

How the hell happened Matilda to find Claire's photo? In the bedroom? Why are the memories still turturing me? I felt such a dumbass for talking to her in that way. But it was the only way to hide my emotions. I really need to explain her what's happening, but I can't. I've given my promise, I must keep it. Even if she got furious. I can't see her like this, though. What should I do?

Matilda's POV

I made my decision. We would be staying. It might be tough at first, but I would get over it. I was determined.

At least, our economical situation would get better, and we'd be able to enjoy ourselves instead of worrying about how much we would spend. And I didn't wanna leave my new friends now that I got to know them. We really got on well with each other and laugh our heads off any time we hanged out together.

My one and only problem was Jake. What were I supposed to do with him? Ignore him or try to understand him?

My head was going to burst by all the thoughts in it. I needed time to relax and erase everything from my mind. I just lyed on the cold sheet of my comfortable bed, ready to sleep. The air coming from the open window was slightly moving my hair from left to right. So I closed my eyes and everything blacked out, when I heared the room-door opening and saw a dark shadow entering the bedroom.

"I really can't sleep. I am sorry about everything. Mind some company?"

Author's Note: Heeyyy:) Wassup cutieees? Is anyone reading this story?:/ I wonder:P So please, let me know about anything, nice or bad. I am here for everyone who needs my help. Just send me a msg and I'll help in any way I can. Love you all, really.

kelly.xo xo ;]

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