Chapter 13 ~ More Like A Dream

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Chapter 13 ~ More Like A Dream

Matilda's POV

I woke up at the beeping of my alarm clock.

So it was all just a dream.

I dreamt that Jake came in my bedroom, lyed next to me on the bed, and we stayed there together till the crack of dawn. I also dreamt that he explained to me why he acts this way, the story of Claire, but I couldn't remember well. I was not sure.

Deep inside, I wished it was real. But he was not that good. He was selfish and arrogant.

That day, we had planned to go shopping with David, Kate and Celine. Maybe Tom was going to come with us too. We decided we were going to buy stuff for school, and my mum was going to go to my new school to arrange the rest. It was a private school, kind of a college. Kate and David would be probably in my class, whereas Celine was attending another school, which her pareants could afford.

Am I going to be in the same class with Jake? Will I have to endure his boasted ego in school too? Living next to his house is more than enough, I think.

"Matilda, are you awake?" I heared mom shouting behind the door, as she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, come in." I shouted and then I continued. "Mom, I want you and dad to be happy, We may stay here, I am OK with that."

"Mati, are you sure?"

"Yes mum, absolutely. I've made special friends here and I feel happy. We are going to go shopping today, just some stuff for school. But you need to go to school to arrange the rest."

After some minutes of talk, she left the room and returned in a while.

"Matilda look, in a month or two, we will be living in the house next to this. We've earned enough money these last weeks, so I want you to take this money and buy whatever you like. We love you so much honey." She said and handed me more than enough money.

"Love you too, mommy. Thanks." I said and gave her a warm, passionate hug.

So I dressed up and made my way to Kate's house on foot. There was David too, so we were ready to leave. Celine didn't show up at all.

Jake's POV

"Isn't it high time you go buy the things you need for school?" my mum told me.

"I don't need anything, I got all the stuff from the previous semester, I am fine" I snapped back at her.

"I hope this semester your grades will increase somehow, you need take it seriously, don't you think?"

"Yeah mum I will.." I tried to calm her down. I hate being pressed.

"We'll see that.."

"No need to worry. Sabrina graduated anyway, so she won't be a bad influence mom." I told her in an ironic tone.

During the previous school period, she kept putting the blame on Sabrina for my bad grades. So this school year, she couldn't do that. I shouldn't say that, but I felt a bit relieved that she had graduated last year, so I wouldn't have her eyes on me every day at school. I was going to have the freedom to hook up with any girl and hang out with my friends whenever I liked. She was probably going to move to another city, where her university would be. But she didn't know yet.

Matilda's POV

During all the shopping, David seemed excited but a bit nervous, like something was bothering him.

Was it the fact that Celine wasn't there with us?

.And Kate seemed different. Like she was hiding something from me.

We finally did our shopping. The money I had were more than enough. Then we decided to have a quick burger at KFC, in the nearest shopping centre.

"This day seems so endless." Kate pointed out, letting out a sigh and putting down her burger.

"Yeah, I feel worn out after all that shopping we did." David said.

"Pheww, I really need to go to the restroom. I am sorry, I'll be back in a moment." Kate said and left.

Suddently, I felt David's eyes scanning all over me.

"So how was your day with us? Have you got used to living here?"

"Yeah, it was great fun. And I really try hard to adapt here. I think I've made great progress."

"Hmm, Matilda..?"


"I was wondering if you would like to go for a coffee or something with me one of the next days."

I felt my cheeks getting this fire-redish colour. He was apparently trying to figure out the answer by my expression.

What should I answer? I felt so confused. What about Celine? Aren't they dating?

"Matilda? Are you here?" David snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm, I am sorry David. Yes, I would like to go out with you."

Author's Note: Guys! It's 01-01-2014! Happy New Year to everyone! God bless us all:) This is the New Year's Chapter. So enjoy:) David seems so nice! Does he like her? What do you think of them? Will they be together?

Also, in my place the KFCs have many chicken burgers to choose from :P (For those asking xx)

Stay in, kelly xoxo ;]

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