Chapter 8 ~ The Party

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Chapter 8 ~ The Party

"Yeah I am ready Jake." I answered back.

"Just keep in mind that I am the most popular guy here. So don't do anything crazy or I'll leave you here all alone." He warned me.

"Don't worry." I reassured him.

We went out of the car and we headed to the house. The party was held outside in the garden. Everything was so beautiful. Many people, loud music, candles, benches and lots of drinks. It wasn't like the parties I used to go to in Florida.

A guy approached us, with a cool style and a smirk on his lips. He had brunette hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a white T-shirt and on top of that a black shirt, which revealed his built-up body.

"Hey man, I thought you wouldn't come." 

"Hey, wassup? This is Matilda, she is staying at our house for the time being." Jake introduced. Thankfully, he remembered to do it.

"Hi.." I said shyly to the guy.

"Hi, I am James, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too James." I said and we shook hands.

"If I knew earlier that such a beautiful girl lives with you, I would come every day at your house, Jake."  James hissed with a wink.

Jake and I just smiled at James' comment.

I decided to leave Jake and sit on a table so as to let him do whatever he wanted. I feel like a burden or something. He doesn't like me at all and now he has to bear with me the whole night.

I sat on a table and he moved towards others. After some minutes a girl came to me.


"Hey." I said back with a smile.

"What's your name?" She asked me.

"Matilda, yours?"

"Kate, nice to meet you Matilda." 

Kate was a beautiful, brunette girl with shiny, green eyes. She was slim and tiny. We were almost the same size.

I smiled and she continued. "Do you know Jake? Are you two hanging out together?"

"Hmm not exactly, that's a bit complicated. Me and my parents came here from Florida and we are now staying at Jake's house because our parents are close friends. My parents are trying to find a job here but I want to go back to my previous life."

"How! Lucky you. You are living with Jake. Oh my God. You know that any girl would die to live at least for a day with him? "

"Haha, really? Are you one of them?"

"Hmm not really. I am the exception, I think. I prefer low-esteemed boys."

"Yeah I couldn't agree more with that." and I continued. 

"I feel relieved that somebody talked to me tonight. I thought I'd be here by myself."

"Don't worry you'll meet new people and make friends. You are just at the beginning. By the way your dress is stunning."

As we were talking with Kate, I turned my eyes and caught a glance of Jake. He was standing further away from the garden, talking to a girl at a very close distance. Maybe this was his girlfriend.

"Is she his girlfriend?" I asked Kate.

"No, Sabrina is his girlfriend but apparently she is not here tonight so he got the chance to play with another girl."

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