Chapter 15 ~ The Date

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Chapter 15 ~ The Date

Jake's POV

'Why am I even pissed of with her? She may do whatever she wants. But what I told her about that David thing was true. Some years ago, I had heared that he beat his mother. But he now plays the duck, in order to attract Matilda.

That was what I had been thinking since I saw them talking together. I couldn't take the picture out of my mind. To tell the truth, I felt intruded and hurt.

Matilda's POV

We were now at the cinema watching a scary-movie. His braveness seemed huge in front of my trembling. I had totally freaked out, when all of sudden the serial- killer killed the protagonist and in a moment of fear, I squeezed his wrist abruptly.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed silently.

"I'm sorry" I said back. But come on! It wasn't that hard. It was almost like a simple touch. Apparently, watching a thriller on the first date is not the best choice.

"No,I am sorry. I overreacted, I'm fine" he said to me and his hand climbed up to mine.

OMG! OMG! He held my hand!

I could feel my cheeks burning red and his mouth formed a shy smile. He seemed embarassed too.

When that, let's call it a film, finished, we made our way to the exit. It had already gotten dark outside and the moon had appeared.

"You are not a scary-movie type of person, are you?" he said jokingly.

"No, not really." I smiled.

"Next time, it will be better."

"Next time?"

"Yeah, if you still want to go out with me again after that.."

"You are so silly David. Of course I'll go out with you again. I always have a great time when I'm with you."

"I feel the same about you."

This was more than enough to make my day. After that, we drove to 'my' house and the lights were already turned down. We got out of his car and he headed me to the door.

"I really had a wonderful time Matilda." he stated with all the braveness he could gather that moment.

"Me too David. Thanks for everything. For making me feel comfortable at school, for accepting me although I was new here and for being so friendly to me." I told him back and he seemed so relieved in the sound of my words. He formed a super-cute smile and leaned towards my face.

Keep calm Matilda. Focus. Focus. Focus.

He leaned closer and placed a kiss...on my cheek?!

Yes, a kiss on the cheek. Why not? After all, we are just friends. And paradoxically, it was really really hot. He looked me with his gorgeous, blue eyes which were glimmering under the moonlight.

"Goodnight Mrs Pinkie see you tomorrow."

"That's my new nickname I guess?"

"Yeah, it reminds me of your cheeks that are forever blushing."

I entered the house in silence, went in my bedroom and directly lyed on my comfortable bed, refreshing what had just happened. It was officially the best night in California.

Author's Note: Hi cutiess! How do you find David? Is he hiding something behind his depressing and quite behavior?

Team Jake or Team David?

Have fun in your lives cuties:) Life is beautiful;)

follow me here in wattpad and I'll follow you back<3

Stay tuned bananas, kelly xoxo.xD

Jake is Michael Chad Murray (Austin Ames from A Cinderella Story).

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