Pietro Maximoff #1

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He was cheeky, too cheeky for [Y/N]'s liking. Everything from unclasping her bra as he ran past, to stealing her food as she was about to enjoy it. It was driving her to the brink of insanity, she just wanted a quiet moment away from the speedster. But of course he wouldn't have it.

"Where are you going, sweetheart?" Pietro Maximoff smirked at [Y/N]. A sigh rolled off the [H/C] girl's lips as she turned around.

"None of your business, Sonic. Now run along." Her words was laced with venom. Pietro's smirk widened.

"Don't be like that, [Y/N]! I just wanted to talk." He pouted. [Y/N] raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips.

"Then talk, I don't have all day." The speedster frowned and leaned on the wall by the elevator of Stark tower, in which the young Avenger, [Y/N], had been aiming to run off through only minutes before.

"Why do you hate me so much, sweetheart?" The nickname made [Y/N]'s heart melt slightly. As much as she disliked the newly recruited Avenger, she couldn't help but think him handsome.

"I don't hate you, Pietro, but you do get annoying sometimes." She crossed her arms with a pointed look. Pietro gave a sheepish smile, which gradually melted into a serious expression as he stepped closer to [Y/N].

"You know, I never got to thank you." [Y/N] arched a brow.

"For what?"

"Saving me back in Sokovia. If it weren't for you, I would've been labeled swiss cheese right about now." [Y/N] let out a snort.

"Wow, are you high? The Pietro Maximoff is thanking me!" Pietro chuckled at the younger Avenger, to which she smirked.

"Very funny, [Y/L/N]. You would've made a spectacular comedian." [Y/N] smirked at his sarcastic remark.

"You know it." She sassed back. Pietro laughed and shook his head, stepping closer to [Y/N].

"No, but really. You saved my life, and let me live to see Wanda for another day. I can't thank you enough for that, princess." [Y/N] smiled, feeling blood rush to her cheeks as she glanced at her feet, hands lacing together tightly.

"Really, Pietro, it was nothing. I couldn't just stand by and let you die if I could help it-" [Y/N] was cut off by the speedster stepping forward and brushing his lips against hers. [Y/N] was shocked, but ended up placing her hands on the sides of Pietro's neck, pulling at his hair gently as the kiss deepened. The speedster placed his hands on her lower back, rubbing them up and down in a soothing motion. As they pulled apart, Pietro smirked, panting slightly. Leaning forward, he whispered.

"You didn't see that coming?" Then he ran off, leaving [Y/N] to yell after him as she covered her chest area, seeing as the speedster had managed to run off with her strapless bra, leaving her a blushing and screaming mess.


A/N: First imagine; done! I've been kinda obsessed with Marvel lately, and seeing as I LOVE the Avengers, I decided I wanted to start a new book!

Now for the more bad news..

I'm scrapping my other books.

I wrote them all on a whim, and seeing as my last computer broke... I wont be able to finish them /: I'm so sorry

But I'm continuing this one, swear on my LIFE.

May the odds be ever in YOUR favor, goodbye~!


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