Pietro Maximoff #5 Christmas!

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The snow fell peacefully to the ground, creating a blanket of white over the silent streets. [Y/N] gripped the bag slung over her shoulder with both hands, burying her red nose in her thick scarf. It was December the 23rd, 11:48 pm, NYC. The [H/C] female wore a coat over her red dress, making her way home from a party. She was on the verge of tipsy, having some trouble walking in her heels. However, she wasn't ready to go home just yet. Something inside her told her to swing by the bar on the corner by her apartment. With a small smile on her painted lips, she opened the door and made her way over to the familiar bar. The bartender nodded, gesturing to an empty chair to his right. [Y/N] sat down and shrugger her coat off, hanging it on the back of her seat.

She crossed her legs and leaned on the counter, ordering her usual drink. [Y/N] glanced at the clock on the wall absentmindedly. 11:55 pm.

"What is a lady like you doing alone merely minutes before christmas eve?" A voice sounded to her left. She glanced over as she played with the scarf now resting on her shoulders. "Felt like getting a drink. What about yourself?" The man smiled, showing his pearly-white teeth. He had slight stubble, and his hair was silvery-blonde with dark roots. [Y/N] was shamelessly looking him up and down, deciding if he was trustworthy or not.

"Fate, I suppose." [Y/N] scoffed a laugh and took a sip of her drink. The liquor burned her throat. "Are you laughing at me?" The man said in mock-offense, causing [Y/N] to smile wider and turn to him fully. She reached a hand out.



"So what really brought a lady such as yourself here?"   [Y/N] leaned on the counter, pretending to think her answer over. "Some people from my work hosted a party as we just got off on break." The male smiled and leaned in slightly, seeming to suck up all her words with so much interest, so different from everyone else she had talked to that evening.

"What is your profession then?" [Y/N] shrugged slightly, taking another sip of her drink. "Guess."

Pietro thought for a bit, then said with the smuggest face ever, "Journalist." [Y/N] burst out laughing and shook her head, drinking the rest of her drink and ordering another. She uncrossed her legs and leaned in to whisper her secret lightly.

"I work for an organization, big hush-hush." Pietro blinked twice, then leaned further in, smelling the alcohol on her breath.

"That makes us two then?" [Y/N] smirked, turning to nod at the bartender who had handed her the new drink. "So you're an agent then?" She nodded and glanced at him, narrowing her eyes slightly and smirking dangerously.

"Should I be worried about you?" The male laughed and crossed his arms on the counter, shaking his head.

"I don't think you should, but that's all up to you, [Y/N]." She hummed as her name rolled off his tongue, mixing with the foreign accent.

"On another note, do you expect me to believe you were brought here by fate?" [Y/N] took in the rest of his appearance. Tight pants and a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. No jacket was slung over his chair, and he didn't seem cold at all, considering he only had the shirt and a scarf which laid messily on his lap.

He shrugged, playing with a loose thread from his scarf. "I was out walking after a... gathering of sorts. I guess it became too much, you know?" He glanced back at her, dropping the thread. [Y/N] raised an eyebrow and continued to quietly swirl her drink as they endulged in a conversation.

The two chatted along, not even noticing the clock striking 12 am, and they would've talked all night if it weren't for the bartender chasing them out around 2 am. Pietro had his arm around her waist, seeing as she had passed tipsy by now.

"Sorry, it must be so unamusing bringing a drunk woman home at 2 in the morning on christmas eve." [Y/N] laughed softly, fumbling with her keys, only getting the door open after Pietro helped her. Said male laughed as well, helping her up the stairs to her apartment.

"Most guys would think so, but it's really no trouble. You're fun to be around, and you're quite pretty, so I don't mind." The tipsy woman grinned and turned her blushing face away. As they reached her door, they turned to each other.

"Thank you for walking me home, I really appreciate it." Pietro smiled softly, his usually smug face slipping for a second. [Y/N] grinned, fumbling with the lock until it opened.

"Why don't you come in? I don't want to say goodbye yet." The silver-haired man said his agreements, everything else but the woman in front of him slipping out of sight. They both entered the spacious apartment, Pietro taking a seat in one of the couches as [Y/N] went and made something to drink. The silver-haired male glanced around, noticing there weren't any pictures of family or friends, only pictures of sceneries and such. It made the home seem colder, but if what she said earlier was true, then he could see why she didn't want to keep those kind of pictures out in sight.

When [Y/N] came back, she had changed out of the red cocktail dress, and was now wearing some jeans an a sweater. Her lips were still painted the same color, and her hair still styled the way it was earlier. Pietro smiled, thinking she looked even cuter in the casual clothes, rather than how she looked in the formal clothes. She held two mugs of hot chocolate, and her lips were curled in a smile. [Y/N] was still a bit wobbly on her feet, but managed to hand Pietro his mug, and sit down with her own without any problem.

"Do you live alone?" Pietro sat back, sipping the hot drink. [Y/N] wrapped both hands around the mug, glancing into the liquid with a stiff smile.

"Yeah, used to have a roommate, but it didn't work out as well as we wanted it to." The male frowned and pat her shoulder.

"I apologize for bringing it up like that." [Y/N] shook her head and glanced back at him.

"No, no, that's fine. You were just asking a simple question." The both smiled, once again endulging in each other.


"It has been nice, though I should have left sooner." They now stood in the doorway, parting once and for all that night. It was 3:36 am, and Pietro had noticed [Y/N] yawning the last 15 minutes. The [H/C] female rubbed her [E/C] eyes, chuckling softly. "No, I agree. It was nice, but I don't mind having been with you this long. It has been more than enjoyable, honestly." Pietro laughed at her formal way of speech.

"Let's repeat it someday then?" [Y/N] nodded happily, her lips parting in a wide grin. Pietro smirked and grabbed a pen from the end table inside her apartment, perched beside the door. He then grabbed her hand and scribbled his phone number carefully on her skin, rubbing his thumb against her knuckles with the hand he used to hold hers, then proceeded to let her scribble her own on his much larger hand. They stood still for a while until [Y/N] leaned up and planted a small kiss on the corner of his lips, smiling brightly.

"Merry Christmas, Pietro."


MMmmmmMmmmm not too sure about the ending, but it's just something I whipped up because of the need I felt for giving you readers some sort of "present" for christmas. I don't even know.

Also oh my god the support I've been recieving on this story, it's amazing. I'm so happy I think I could cry.

I wake up to so many notifications every day about people voting, and just

I love you guys so much, omg

also I got a new kitty, but she's really not used to people so she bit my finger really badly, it still hasn't stopped bleeding. (she bit me around 6 pm, it's currently 11 pm)

but anyways, thank you guys so much for your support, and thank you all so much for waiting for my slow updates! feel free to send in requests about plots, characters, and so on!

merry christmas, dear readers! and if I'm away on the 31st/1st; happy new year!!

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