Loki Laufeyson #1

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Loki sat in silence, observing the [H/C] girl who was currently charged with watching him. She didn't look anything special, and didn't seem like an Avenger, as she didn't possess a particularly athletic frame. The God of Mischief leaned his head back against the glass wall of the cell, furrowing his brows in thought. [Y/N] ignored the stare of the God on the other side of the glass.

"What are you looking at?" She grumbled, her nose still in the book she was reading. Loki turned his gaze away from her for the first time since she entered the room. "You're not an Avenger." [Y/N] glanced up at him and raised an eyebrow. He was right, but how he noticed was a mystery. "You noticed." She nodded her head and glanced back at the ink-filled pages of her book.

"Then why are you guarding me?" The God questioned as he rose from the floor and attempted eye contact with the seemingly timid girl in front of him. She seemed too young to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. "Do you really want to know?" Her [E/C] eyes met his green ones with raised eyebrows. Loki smirked slightly and leaned his side against the glass wall closest to her, crossing his arms over his slender chest. "Just trying to make conversation."

"Well, if you must know, I'm the daughter of the 'big boss' who's currently keeping you locked up here." [Y/N] smiled sweetly for a second then let her curved lips fall into a stoic face, and returned to her book. Loki frowned. "You don't resemble him at all, are you perhaps not related by blood?" [Y/N] furrowed her brows and glared at the words in front of her.

The God of Mischief nodded with a blank face, glancing up at the ceiling. "I can relate." "Excuse me, but are we having a bonding session or something?" The [H/C] girl growled out. Loki snapped his gaze back to her, meeting a pair of rage-filled [E/C] eyes. He smirked. "Did I hit a nerve, by chance?" She growled again and shut the book loudly, standing up and in front of him on the other side of the glass. [Y/N] stood much shorter than the tall and slender god, but that did not stop her from glaring furiously and snap at him.

"My heritage has nothing to do with you, and if you bring it up one more time I will not hesitate to drop this cell to the ocean below." Loki chuckled and pushed off the glass wall, facing her entirely. "I was simply amusing myself. There's not much to do when you're confined to a circular cell." [Y/N] let her frown ease up, sighing. "I suppose not." The god in front of her smirked to himself and picked at his nails. He was slowly wrapping her around his fingers.

"What is your connection to the Avengers then, girl?" [Y/N] frowned again and turned back to sit against the railing of the 'walkway' leading to the cell. "Did you really think I would answer that?" Loki chuckled. "Perhaps not. I was just wondering where I would start when I get out of this secluded cage." [Y/N] frowned and followed his movements with hers. "You're truly some kind of monster." The god smirked and turned away from the girl with his arms resting behind his back, mumbling. "You're the ones who brought the monster." The [H/C] girl's eyes widened as she shot up and walked up to the glass.

"That's your plan?" Loki froze and let his lips seal tightly. [Y/N] scoffed and raised her hand to her ear. "Loki's plan is revolved around Bruce. Keep him in the lab." As she turned to leave, the helicarrier shook violently. A chuckle ran out behind her, sending chills down her spine. she turned to the man locked behind the glass, staring incredilously at him.

"What is going on?" The god didn't answer, instead he just approached the door of the cell, it sliding open as he did. He stepped out and stood in front of the girl, reaching a hand out from behind his back and grabbing her chin firmly with his slender fingers. [Y/N] held eye contact confidently, yet her heart hammered wildly in both fear and with adrenaline. "How did you come to work under your so-called 'father'?" She glared at him, but didn't dare move as she knew he could probably snap her neck faster than she could run.

"I never cared to ask." Loki narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to her face, a smirk still evident on his lips. "Is that so? Then why stay?" [Y/N] raised her eyebrow with an incredulous stare. "He took me in when no one else would, he raised me to be able to take care of myself and he did everything for me to live comfortably." Something flashed over Loki's eyes and his smirk fell. A glare fell over his eyes. "Wrong answer." And then it all went black for [Y/N].


When her eyes opened, [Y/N] realized that, 1. she wasn't on the helicarrier, and 2. she was laying down on a soft surface. 

"You're awake." She shot up quickly when she heard the sickly smooth voice she had grown familiar with. Loki was standing with his back turned, staring out a huge window to the city below. It was dark, and there seemed to only be the two of them. She was sitting up on a couch, a blanket of some sort draped over her. When she turned her gaze back to Loki, she met his eyes and saw him with an exhausted and upset face. A part of her had started to sympathize with the god, but she still knew he had bad intentions, and so she just continued to stare at him. With his robe draping behind him, he made his way over and sat in the chair opposite of where she sat. He hung his head and sighed.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just need you to act as bait for a couple hours more, then you'll be free to do as you please." Her eyebrow shot up. The way he spoke was foreign. His once silky voice was tired and raspy. It was weird for [Y/N], as she felt a twinge of interest for what was worrying him so. "Is something...?" She stopped herself and cleared her throat, not wanting to voice her worry. Loki chuckled dryly and rubbed his face, his head still hung.

"I saw your memories." [Y/N] gulped. She knew he had seen. Her parents were killed, Fury took her in, being her godfather. She was trained, homeschooled, sheltered from the normal world. [Y/N] knew nothing but what she had been taught at S.H.I.E.L.D.

"So you saw." Loki stood up and met her eyes, he held a stoic expression.

"You and I are alike, that much I realized when speaking with you earlier. But I never knew the extent." [Y/N] stood unconciously as well, gripping the hem of her shirt awkwardly, holding eye contact with him as he stood in front of her with a frown.

"We were both taken from what we were supposed to know, who we were supposed to be. And because of that, we're both in this situation in which we do not belong." She let her brows furrow in confusion. "You dragged me into this, Loki." He nodded moving closer to her and ghosting a hand over her cheekbone. "That's on me, I admit. You don't belong here. But I need you here right now, for my plan to unfold." He ripped away from the trance he had been put in, turning around and standing by the window again. "I shouldn't have brought you here, you're a weird woman. I can't think properly with your... annoying human presence."

"I know, I feel the same." She chuckled softly, sitting down and wrapping the blanket around her. Loki turned slightly and took in her huddled form.

"Are you cold?" [Y/N] met his eyes with an amused expression. "Do you care?" Loki turned around and couldn't stop the smile from curling on his lips. "No." He tried to hide the affectionate smile, but she saw, in the reflection of the window that shielded them both from reality. In that moment, there were no good or bad, just a blossoming interest between a human and a god.


I'm sick and it's 04:28 in the morning, but I wanted to write something. It's not the best, but idk it's better than nothing????


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