Pietro Maximoff #4

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She was just tired. Not sad, not happy; just plain tired. [Y/N] didn't feel like doing anything but sleep, and her eyes seemed to lose their energy. There was something wrong, and she knew it just like everyone else.

Especially her friend, Pietro, noticed the drastic change of demeanor. They had always had an unmentioned agreement; they were to send goodmorning and goodnight messages. Just so they wouldn't lose touch. The two of them had always had issues with being abandoned, so they just fell into some sort of habit of always keeping in touch.

But lately, Pietro had recieved less and less messages, until they just stopped coming. [Y/N] didn't answer her phone either, which was worrying. He would've checked up on her by now if it weren't for his responsibilities as an Avenger. Something told him he was probably just making it seem worse than it really was, but he couldn't get his friend of his mind at all.

Then he finally got the time to check on her.

Pietro arrived at her apartment complex in three minutes top, considering it was some ways away from the Avengers facility. He rung her bell, waiting for her voice to ring through the speaker.

"Hello?" Came a raspy voice, it sounded nothing like [Y/N], but Pietro crossed his fingers it was her. "It's Pietro. Can you let me in?" Silence made his ears ring as he waited for her to buzz him in, - if it even was her at all.

As he prepared to walk away, the door buzzed as an indication it had been opened.

"Fifth floor, apartment 56." He didn't need to be told twice; he was already outside her apartment when she finished her sentence. Anticipating this, [Y/N] opened the door and leaned against the frame. Her [H/L] hair was frizzy and unbrushed, she had just gotten up to get the door. [Y/N]'s [E/C] eyes held no shine, and were bloodshot.

"Come on in then." She waved him in as she shuffled into the lounge room, Pietro right behind. [Y/N] sat down on the couch, picking up a half-smoked cigarette from the ash-tray. The speedster frowned and sat down in front of her, ignoring her protest of him just casually lounging on her coffee table. "Are you feeling well? You look tired."

"Thanks, you really know how to charm a lady." She huffed sarcastically, blowing smoke in his face. The silver-haired male reeled backwards and waved the disgusting-smelling smoke from him. The woman smiled at this.

"You know what I mean, [Y/N]." Before-mentioned lady sighed and put out the cigarette in the ash-tray. She knew she would have to talk to him sooner or later.

"I'm sorry, Pietro. I just haven't had the energy to deal with anything, haven't been feeling well." Pietro frowned.

"You could've told me you were sick, I would've visited earlier. But it still doesn't give you the right to push me away. Do you not want to talk to me anymore?" He looked like a lost puppy, trying to meet eyes with [Y/N], whom was just planting her gaze in a spot to the right of the speedster she had befriended over the year.

Silence deafened the both of them.

"Answer me, please." His voice was so vulnerable.

"It's not-- I.." She couldn't finish her sentence. Pietro noticed and grasped her shaking hand in his, holding it gently as he rooted his eyes to her petite fingers in his own rough ones.

"I'm sorry. I've just..." [Y/N] couldn't handle it anymore. She took a deep breath and looked up, tears in her eyes that she was trying desperately to hold back. Her next words came out choked and strained.

"I'm so tired, I don't know if I'm sad or whatever, I just don't feel like doing anything. It's like I don't want to be around anyone. Like I'm trying to isolate myself." She choked and rubbed her face with her free hand, groaning. Pietro frowned even deeper, if that was even possible.

"I just don't want to be around anyone. I feel like I don't belong." The more she talked, the more shocked she got. She didn't even realize she felt this way.

"You're wanted, you belong." She just shook her head.

"That's what anyone would've said in this situation, how do I know you mean it?" The speedster's face went blank.

"It would be too risky to show what I really think." [Y/N] shook her head in disbelief, pulling her hand back.

"Well that's just fucking great, huh?" She stood up and stalked towards the kitchen, Pietro on her heel.

"That's not what I meant--" "Like hell it was!"

[Y/N] grabbed a glass and filled it with water, gulping it all down, leaning against the wall by the sink. Her face was etched into a scowl as she refused to look at Pietro.

"You won't even hear me out!" His voice sounded angry as he looked her over. [Y/N] narrowed her eyes and tossed the glass in the sink, a piece of the top cracking and falling off.

"There's nothing to hear; you probably came to push me away like everyone else--"

Pietro slammed his fist into the wall over her head, causing her to flinch. Her eyes filled with tears as her scowl deepened. The silver-haired male panted heavily, glaring down at her. Despite his angry expression and his outburst; his hands were gentle as they cupped each side of her neck.

"You're wrong." He muttered shakily. [Y/N] noticed his blue eyes were filled with tears of his own, which only made hers buck over and drip in a steady stream down her [S/C] cheeks.

Pietro searched her eyes with his, and before she knew it

...he was kissing her.

Her lips felt soft, yet chapped against his own. They were wet with her tears and the water she had drunk earlier, and tasted a little like mints and cigarettes. The kiss started slow, but as [Y/N] processed what was happening, she couldn't help but let her hands tangle into his hair. The kiss deepened, and Pietro caressed her neck gently, as if he was handling a small child.

As they pulled back, [Y/N] found herself laughing through her tears.

"Believe me when I say, you are wanted. You are wanted so much by everyone who knows you." His eyes were serious as he leaned his forehead against her own.

"I can't believe you did that." Pietro chuckled and hugged her tightly, afraid of letting her go.

"Me neither, but I'm happy I did."


Updates are slow, but hey. I'm not forgetting atleast :')

Also, I couldn't help but notice this story reached 1k reads, and now almost 2k....




I'm shocked like hell

I didn't expect people to like this book, let alone my writing. English isn't my first language, and I suck at it none the less.

hah, count your blessings, I suppose

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this book! It really means alot, and having people vote on it or comment really makes my day. :'D I really love you, and writing this for you to read is the best thing ever!

Have a good day, and I will see you next time!


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