Steve Rogers #1

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"It's basically flirting though, [Y/N]." Said Natasha to the [H/C] girl as they were watching some bad chick flick in the 'living room' in the penthouse of Stark tower. [Y/N] snorted a laugh and popped another chip into her mouth. Wanda piped up besides the snorting female.

"She's right, you know? He only ever acts like that around you." [Y/N] just shook her head, her [H/L] hair swishing as she did. She glanced between the other two female Avengers.

"Yeah, I don't think so. He would never like someone like me." She took a sip of soda and curled her legs underneath her.

"[Y/N], you're ignoring the poor guy! He's definitely head over heels with you." Natasha smirked, sipping her own soda with a mischevous glint in her eyes. Wanda snickered lightly, sitting back and resting an arm over the back of the sofa. [Y/N] scoffed.

"What about you and Mr. Angry Bean then?" Black Widow choked on her drink then, and Wanda errupted into laughter. [Y/N] was sure to silence her.

"You have no right to laugh! What do they call it when a person holds a fetish for androids? Technosexuality?" Now it was the brunette's turn to freak out, rushing out incoherent words about not liking the Vision. [Y/N] laughed evilly.

"Sure, if you don't like Vision, then I don't like Steve!"

"Good to know the feeling is mutual then."

[Y/N] froze up at the familiar voice, and slowly turned to see the one and only Steve Rogers AKA Captain America himself a few feet behind the female trio, his arms crossed. The [H/C] female blushed profusely.

"R-Rogers, I thought you were out with Tony and Bucky?" She stuttered. The giggles of Wanda and Natasha could be heard behind her.

"I was, but Tony said he recieved a text from Romanov. '[Y/N] needs to tell you something ASAP.'" He mimicked Tony's voice.[Y/N] turned to glare at the two girls behind her, only to find they had snuck off. I swear I'll kill them, she swore. Before she could react, Steve had sat down beside her.

"So, you like me?" She hid her face in her hands, groaning, but nodding none the less.

"Good." Before[Y/N] could ask why he meant it was good, her hands were removed from her face, and she felt warm lips brush her knuckles.

"I like you too,[Y/L/N]." He chuckled nervously, glancing up with an awkward smile.[Y/N] was gobsmacked, her jaw hanging as she tried to think of what to say. Natasha was right, Steve really did feel the same way[Y/N] did.

"I- uh- what-" Steve chuckled and sat closer to[Y/N], holding her hands in his.

"You're, uhm.. you're different in some way. You're not timid like most girls, and you're not afraid to put the others in their places. You remind me of someone I used to know before I uh-"

"Before you turned into a popsicle." Steve couldn't help but let out a laugh at how blunt she was. Yeah, she truly was different.

"Not my choice of words, but yes. But not just that, you're also very sensitive as well, and you're polite to others even though you don't have to. You're an angel,[Y/N], even if you don't admit it for yourself, everyone else can see it." Midway through his rant, [Y/N]  had leaned in and rested their foreheads together, smiling at the Captain in front of her.

"I never thought you would feel the same way, though." He whispered the last part, searching her eyes.[Y/N] barked a laugh, shaking her head slightly.

"That's what I thought as well. How could someone so nice and selfless, not to mention good-looking, like me? I'm not exactly your average lady here." She smirked at the old-fashioned man, who just laughed back at her.

"Guess we were both being stupid then."

"Yeah, I guess so." And with that,[Y/N] leaned forward and pecked Steve on the lips, shocking him. The female Avenger laughed at his flustered expression, causing him to laugh along and guide her hands with his up to his face, leaning into her palms.


A/N: Another imagine! Whoop, I'm on a roll!

Steve is literally a little cinnamon roll, he's so precious, so I couldn't help write him as smol and yeah I don't even know HELP

okay okay, I'm done

remember, I take requests, and I've decided that... I will take smut requests if people want it, I WILL HOWEVER NOT WRITE IT WITHOUT IT BEING REQUESTED, SO NO RANDOM SMUT GONNA BE LYING AROUND HERE.

May the odds be ever in YOUR favor, goodbye!


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