Bruce Banner #1

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There were too many people to count, and if you didn't watch closely on what logo they were wearing or who they were fighting, you wouldn't know the difference between them all. Hydra agents rushed in from here and there, while S.H.I.E.L.D. agents attempted to stall for some time, awaiting the arrival of the Avengers. Explosions were going off left and right, and in the distance you could hear the helicarrier that held the infamous heroes.

Tony was the first to leave the carrier, Steve, Natasha and Clint soon followed and ran in another direction than where Tony blasted off to. That left [Y/N] and Bruce, seeing as Thor were nowhere to be found at this moment.
"You ready?" asked the [H/C] haired female, reaching up to ruffle Banner's hair teasingly. Bruce held a worried expression, but nodded anyway and made his way off the helicarrier to let the other guy out. [Y/N] frowned and stood nearby, having been given the task to watch over the green guy. Fury had given this task to [Y/N] seeing as they had known each other for a long time, even before [Y/N] became an Avenger. They lived nearby each other before and both shared a passion for knowledge, so they clicked instantly. They had a special relationship, and therefore it was safer if the girl were given responsibility over Bruce.

A roar broke through the woods, birds took off at the intimidating sound, and seconds later there was an angry gremlin the size of a car in front of her. She chuckled at her own thoughts, then took off after Bruce whom had began chasing some Hydra soldiers. The Avengers fought and bickered as usual, but they all had the same thought lingering in the back of their minds; why did Hydra initiate this attack?

[Y/N] was the one to find out when she was grabbed from behind mid-air as she was trying to cover Bruce's back. Two soldiers had grabbed her arms and sent a shock through her body with a sort of stun-gun. [Y/N] felt her body numb, but she still managed to hear the one on her left yelling into his earpiece. "We got the target, throw the rest off our track as we head out!" The [H/C] girl shook her head slowly, and ripped both her arms forward- using her mutated strength, and knocked the both of their heads together. As they laid passed out, she took one of the earpieces and covered her ear that didn't hold her own with it. She heard many voices asking about the whereabouts of the 'target' which they referred to as a metahuman. Was that her?

[Y/N] glanced up and saw more soldiers heading her way, and having recovered from her shock, she ran forward and threw the first kick to a random soldier's face.


The Hulk knocked three men together, about to charge upon two more when a scream rang through the woods. Clint, who was stationed nearby, snapped his head in the direction, then glanced at Bruce. "Was that [Y/N]? Or am I just hearing things?" The Hulk ignored him, and before he knew it, he was running full speed towards the sound. Clint sighed. "Of course he would just run off after her." Then picked up his pace and followed.

The girl felt a sharp pain in her neck, having been pinned down by three soldiers while another sank a needle into her and probably pumped anesthetics into her veins. [Y/N] trashed around to try and get free, but it was futile as the 'medicine' was already taking control of her limbs. She would black out soon if she didn't get away. Panic took over her thoughts as she continued trashing about.

A familiar roar shook the ground she was forced on, and seconds later all the pressure on her back was gone, and soon after she was lifted up and face to face with a scary-looking green guy.

"Hey, big guy. You came just in time, huh?" She chuckled tiredly, feeling woozy. Bruce growled and charged off before Clint could reach them. "Where are you taking me? Got a secred cave or something?" [Y/N] mumbled, passing out completely from the anesthetics and fatigue.


Banner stood by her bedside with a frown, wondering why they were giving her more anesthetics if she had already been pumped with it on the battlefield. He leaned down and brushed a hair off her forehead, sighing loudly as the door shook with knocks. In came Tony, with a cocky strut in his steps. "Dr. Banner, how is she?" He wasn't even looking at them, just checking his watch and shuffling through some papers. Bruce frowned and sat back down in the chair he was currently camping in to watch over her.

"She's asleep, healing rapidly, though." Tony nodded and frowned at one of the papers. "Any news on what Hydra wanted with her?"

"[Y/N] is a metahuman, she's ridiculously strong and smart, and she has heightened senses and one hell of a scream if she uses it correctly, and let's not forget her elongated life span. And according to the documents, she was one of the first projects of Hydra. I have a small suspicion they wanted her genes to create more like her." Bruce frowned and eyed [Y/N]'s face curiously. "So they just wanted to use her genes? Then what?" Tony glanced over at Bruce with a frown as well. He sighed and sat at the edge of the bed, looking over [Y/N]'s body.

"I dont know, Bruce. I care about her just as much as you do, but I think we're all better off not knowing what would've happened if she got caught." The billionaire patted Bruce's shoulder then stood up and rushed out the door with an aggressive bounce in his steps. The curly-haired man rested his face in his hands and sighed.

"Come on, big guy. You don't have to cry for me." His head snapped up to meet a pair of drowsy [E/C] ones. His eyes widened and he lowered his glasses from the top of his head back to rest on his nose, trying to make sure he wasn't imagining it. [Y/N] grinned and sat up slightly, opening her arms and wrapping them around the curly-haired man. Bruce laughed slightly, squeezing her small frame lovingly. "How long was I out?" They pulled apart, Bruce moving to sit closer to [Y/N]. "You were probably out for around six hours or so, maybe more. You had some fractured ribs so they drugged you down some more to be sure you recovered correctly, with your healing properties and all." [Y/N] nodded and met eyes with Bruce, smiling warmly.

"You came for me back there." Bruce opened his mouth to say something, but didn't know how to reply, shyness hitting him out of nowhere. "You usually don't react like that as the big guy, but you came for me. Why?"

"Because... uh.." Bruce glanced away with a tomato-red face, not wanting to admit what he was currently thinking. But somehow it seemed that [Y/N] already knew, as she sat up and leaned forward, pecking Bruce on the cheek, then nose. "Thank you." His face was beet red, but seeing as he had gotten a response to his unmentioned confession, a bit of courage blossomed in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pecked her on the cheek, then forehead, and finally they locked lips in a soft and loving kiss, [Y/N] giggling into it as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

They sat holding each other for as long as they were allowed.


Whew, stress
Okay so time to explain why I haven't written in a while. And before you ask - yes, I see your requests and I get just as excited every time and I do end up writing them, but I am currently 110% busy with getting through to my last year of studying music.

Also my mom and I are moving in 3 weeks, so I have basically no time on the computer anymore :') I'm writing this at school in my free classes.

I do hope you guys continue to be as patient as you have been so far, and I appreciate all the support I have been giving and oh my god all the reads are making my head spin

I don't see myself as a very experienced or good writer, but I do my best and I proof-read/edit a lot to make it the best I can. So when I recieve a new read, follow, comment or vote my heart just swells with pride and happiness. I'm so glad I can write this for you to enjoy. So thank you.

enough with the sappy thank you's and such!

If you want a specified imagine or theme for an imagine, feel free to hit me up any time in private messages, comments or any other means you may feel like, and I will get to you as soon as possible!


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