Natasha Romanoff #1

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Being Russian, Natasha had no problem holding her liquor no matter how much she drank. And the day after usually consisted of a slight buzzing in her ears, but nothing major.

However, this was not the case for [Y/N].

"Hey, Nat~? Why... why don't you smile much?"  The [H/C] girl slumped slightly in her seat, leaning towards Black Widow. Natasha arched a brow, amusement glinting in her eyes.

"Because Stark's usually in the room, and seeing his face isn't much to smile for." [Y/N] giggled, leaning her head on Natasha's shoulder.

"That's very true, where is he anyway? Tony!" [Y/N] stood up and began staggering her way towards the billionaire, a shot of an european, peppermint-flavored liquor, Mintu, in her right hand as she waved towards the equally drunk Tony.

Natasha sighed with a roll of her eyes, sipping the clear substance in her glass quietly. As much as she enjoyed the Avengers parties and drinking in general, she was feeling tired after the last mission they had been to merely four days prior. And not just the mission; she was worried for the younger girl chatting with Tony and Steve at the moment, mostly because not only had she been drinking quickly, she hadn't drunk any water. [Y/N] was sensitive to alcohol, and had denied drinking anything at first.

Until Tony and Clint came back with more liquor.

  [Y/N] was poured drinks from all angles, being told to taste this and that until she was way past tipsy. And it was worrying Natasha, considering she had also been there once when she was way younger than [Y/N]  was now.

In conclusion, Natasha was planning to take [Y/N]  back to her room before she passed out or worse, vomited.

"[Y/L/N], let's get you back to your room, you've had your fun." Grumbled Romanoff as she grabbed [Y/N]'s arm in one hand, taking her drink in the other and handing it to Steve.

"But Nat, I'm not that drunk!" [Y/N] giggled as she was pulled towards the hallway, waving to Steve and Tony, whom waved back just as giddy.

"I know, you're just tipsy." Natasha rolled her eyes and sighed, but stopped when she was pulled back and close to a smirking [Y/N].

"You were just jealous 'cause I was talking to Tony and Steve, huh?" Giggled [Y/N], searching the red-head's eyes for something. The assassin stood frozen for a second, taken aback by the sudden tension swimming around them.

"Don't play with me, [Y/L/N]." Natasha spat, masking her hurt expression. [Y/N] sighed in content, leaning her forehead against the assassin's.

"I'm not playing~." She was grinning like an idiot, confusing the red-haired Avenger.

"You're right. You're drunk." With that, Natasha turned around and pulled [Y/N] harshly, all the way to her bedroom at the end of the long hallway.

"I'm not dru-"

Natasha pushed [Y/N] onto the bed and began pulling off her dress.

"Wow, Romanoff. Getting right into it, huh?"

"Shut up and get under the covers. I'll help you remove your makeup in the morning." As she turned to leave, she heard a sniffle.

"Natasha... do you hate me?" The red-head turned to look into the [H/C]-haired girl's [E/C] orbs, which were glazed over with tears. Natasha sighed.

"Quite the opposite."

"I really like you, Nat, but you never seem fazed by my flirting or anything! You never notice when I dress up or anything! And it pisses me off, 'cause you told me you were gay and everything, but you never show int-"

Natasha pressed a kiss to the drunk girl's cheek, holding her hand between both of her own. She slowly helped the girl under the covers, sitting at the edge of the bed, all the while never letting go of her hand.

"I think we should talk about this when you're sober. I might not seem like it, but I'm not one to take advantage of someone when they're drunk. Go to sleep now and I'll wake you up in the morning."

"Can you at least stay?" [Y/N] giggled happily, rolling onto her side so she cloud face Natasha properly. The red-head smiled, moving a lock of [H/C] hair behind [Y/N]'s ear.

"Of course."

"Oh, and Nat?"


"You smiled."


A/N: some fluff for the weekend!!!!!

-sigh- I really love writing fluff, it makes me all giddy.


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