Clint Barton #1

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A/N: Imagine Clint not being married to Laura. I really love them together, but I was requested :')


Clint Barton was frustrated, and for a damn silly reason as well. Most people that passed by him that day could tell by the way his brows were scrunched together, or the aura of anger he was emitting. Even if they didn't know the man, they would still shy away from him in fear of being on the recieving end of his frustration. Everyone but Natasha Romanov, that is.

"What crawled up your rear and died?" She arched a brow at her best friend, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Back off, Nat." The archer growled back, pouring himself a cup in the kitchen area of the new Avengers facility.

"Woah, just asking, Clint. But really, are you okay?" Clint glanced at the assassin, weighing his options in this confrontation. With a sigh, he decided to be honest, considering she would look right through his lies anyway.

"It's about [Y/N]." Natasha perked up at the mention of her name.

"What about her?"

"I don't know, she's just... I don't know, Nat. There's just something about her!" He growled, messing up his hair as he sat in front of her. The red-head smirked and held her cup up with both hands, sipping it quietly.

"You like her, Barton."


"I'm serious, it seems like you've fallen head over heels for the girl." She leaned forward towards her best friend, finding his situation extremely intriguing. However, Clint being as stubborn as he was, argued.

"I'm not a damn schoolboy! I don't have a crush on [Y/L/N]!" He shook his head and sighed, bringing cup up to take a long sip.

"I just find her attractive." Natasha gave him a pointed look over the edge of her cup.

Clint sighed. "Fine, I like her, but don't call it a crush." He pointed to her, taking another sip.

"Like who?" The archer choked at the voice behind him. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Clint here has a crush on someone on the team." Natasha smirked, glancing up to the [H/C] haired girl who raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Who?" The girl sat down beside the red-headed assassin, smiling brightly at the two as she leaned on her elbows over the table.

"I don't have a 'crush' on anyone." Cling grumbled as he leaned back and crossed his arms, glaring at his best friend who couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Aww, come on, Clint! You can tell me!" [Y/N] grinned, bouncing her leg under the table. The archer glanced at her, then Natasha, then back to [Y/N]. He sighed and glanced back to Natasha, having a silent conversation. [Y/N] scowled at the two friends of hers.

"Okay, what are you guys not telling me?" She narrowed her eyes as Natasha excused herself, leaving the kitchen after pouring out the rest of her cold coffee. When she left, Clint sighed and ran a hand through his hair, standing up to sit beside the girl he had developed feelings for.

"I'm not good with mushy stuff, so I'm just gonna say it. I like you, [Y/N]." [Y/N] blinked once, twice, then three times. She pointed to herself.

"You like me?"

"That's what I said."


"No, I like Tony. Of course I meant you."

  [Y/N]  broke into laughter and turned her whole body to the archer, practically glowing.

"I like you too." Clint chuckled nervously, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"That's unexpected."

"What, you didn't see that coming?"

"Piss off, Pietro!" Pietro chuckled before speeding out of the kitchen, having stolen some pop tarts from Thor's stash. Clint sighed in annoyance, swearing under his breath.

"Mood-killer..." [Y/N] giggled, taking his hands in hers. The archer's frown melted into a big smile, glancing down at [Y/N].

"I do like you though, Barton."

"I like you too, [Y/L/N]."




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